Can a New PokéStop Become a Gym in Pokémon Go?

The short answer is yes, it is absolutely possible for a newly added PokéStop to get converted into a gym under the right conditions. But how exactly does this process work, and what are the odds? As an avid PoGo player and gaming guide creator, I‘ve dug into the details to explain the nuances around gym eligibility and creation. Let‘s break it down!

A Quick Primer on PokéStop and Gym Mechanics

For those new to Pokémon Go, PokéStops and gyms are real-world locations that players can interact with in-game. PokéStops provide important items like Poké Balls and egg incubators, while gyms are battling hubs that your team can take over to earn perks.

These locations are mapped based on submissions from users that get approved by Niantic‘s reviewing system. Veteran players at level 38+ can nominate stops and gyms of their own!

How Gyms Get Determined in Cells

So what allows a stop to upgrade into a coveted gym? The key lies in something called level 14 S2 cells. These are geographic divisions Niantic uses behind the scenes to balance gameplay.

When a level 14 cell hits thresholds of 2, 6 or 20 active PokéStops, a gym can appear. The stops in that cell randomly have a chance of converting into the new gym.

Here’s a breakdown of the gym-eligible PokéStop counts per level 14 cell:

Number of Stops in CellGym Creation Threshold Reached?

So based on this, if a new PokéStop gets added that triggers one of these thresholds – 2, 6 or 20 stops – there is potential for gym conversion!

New PokéStop Addition Can Lead to Gym Upgrade

When players submit a nomination for a new PokéStop – whether that‘s a mural, local landmark, or popular spot – it gets reviewed by other high-level trainers. If approved, it gets added to the Pokémon Go map for all to enjoy!

If that additional stop just so happens to push its level 14 cell into hitting a gym creation threshold, then boom! a random stop in the cell gets upgraded. This is why agents analyzing S2 cells to choose the most strategic nomination locations that will activate thresholds.

For example, let‘s say a neighborhood currently has 19 active PokéStops which spans across a few level 14 cells. None have enough stops to warrant a gym. But if a user submits a nomination that gets approved and brings one particular L14 cell to 20 stops, it will trigger a gym creation by converting one of those 20 stops!

The Probability of the New Stop Itself Turning into a Gym

Now, before you rush off to make nominations to turn your own PokéStop into a coveted gym, I have some unfortunate news. The newest stop itself does not necessarily become the new gym. All stops in that L14 cell have an equal random chance of being selected for conversion.

Let‘s look at the probability based on a cell‘s existing stop count:

Stops in CellNew Stop ChanceExample Odds
150%Like a coin flip
233%1 in 3
516%1 in 6
109%Less than 1 in 10

As you can see, the more stops already in a cell, the lower odds that the latest addition will be the one to turn into a gym. With a single stop, it‘s 50/50. But once a cell fills with 20 stops? The newcomer has only a 5% chance of becoming a gym.

So while new stops can trigger gym creation, don‘t go in expecting yours to be the guaranteed winner. Personally I think some randomness makes things exciting anyway!

Becoming a Reviewer Lets You Shape Local gameplay

Have you noticed missing PokéStops or gyms in your neighborhood? Think there should be one at that awesome mural or historical landmark? Well once trainers hit level 38, they gain access to the Wayfarer reviewing system.

This gives veterans the power to analyze submissions from other players for new stops or gyms. Based on criteria like safe access and uniqueness, reviewers approve or deny these nominations. It’s a big responsibility that helps expand the PoGo world!

Approving stops that reach gym thresholds or covering “dead zones” gives your community a boost. And who knows – you may just create the next coveted EX Raid gym location! As rewards for reviews, veterans also get bonus items, XP and badges.

It’s addicting and fun being the decision maker. I’ve reviewed over 500 nominations so far, which has really changed the game landscape in my town. And for the better if I do say so myself!

So if you want to give back as a high-level player, seek out that Wayfarer access. Just be sure to always follow Niantic’s guidelines during the process.

The Complex World Behind PoGo Game Mechanics

And there you have it – a comprehensive guide explaining if and how new PokéStops can turn into gyms! The underlying S2 cell and Wayfarer nomination game mechanics that power features like these are admittedly quite complex.

As an avid PoGo gamer, digging into the details on cell thresholds, gym creation chances, and reviewer responsibilities absolutely fascinates me. Math and maps combine with community crowdsourcing to build a pretty robust augmented reality world.

Hopefully breaking down the nuances in this guide provides some clarity and new knowledge for newer players as well. And maybe even a bit of inspiration too for veterans to keep discovering new gameplay perspectives!

Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to go submit some strategic nominations near gaps in gym coverage. Wish me luck in the Wayfarer review process trainers! Let’s keep making our neighborhoods even better places to catch ‘em all.

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