Can a Pokémon Still Evolve if You Stop It in Pixelmon?

Yes, a Pokémon can still evolve after you stop or cancel its evolution in Pixelmon. When you click "Cancel" while a Pokémon is evolving, it will stop the evolution process. However, that Pokémon will simply try to evolve again the next time conditions are met.

What Happens When You Stop a Pokémon From Evolving?

Stopping an evolution just pauses the process temporarily. The Pokémon retains its readiness to evolve and will attempt to do so again after it levels up or fulfills other evolution requirements.

You have not permanently blocked its ability to evolve. Think of stopping evolution as just pressing a temporary pause button.

How to Prevent All Future Evolution Attempts

If you wish to prevent evolution attempts entirely, you need to give the Pokémon an Everstone to hold. An Everstone causes any Pokémon holding it to refuse evolution attempts.

As long as it holds the Everstone, the Pokémon will no longer try to evolve even when it meets evolution conditions like reaching a certain level.

Can Evolution Be Re-enabled After Using an Everstone?

Yes, you can re-allow evolution after using an Everstone. Simply remove the Everstone from the Pokémon. Once no longer holding it, the Pokémon will again try to evolve when appropriate conditions occur.

The Everstone only suppresses evolution temporarily while held. Its effects are reversible by taking it away.

What Determines When Pokémon Evolve?

Most Pokémon evolutions depend on reaching a particular level. For example, Pikachu evolves into Raichu at Level 36.

However, some evolutions have other requirements:

  • Using evolutionary stones like Thunder Stone or Leaf Stone
  • Reaching a certain friendship level with their trainer
  • Being traded between games
  • Learning a move like Dragon Breath

Always check your Pokémon‘s specific evolution details. If its level surpasses the target without evolving, another factor is likely involved.

Is Mega Evolution the Same as Regular Evolution?

No, Mega Evolution is different since its effects are only temporary. Unlike permanently evolving your Pokémon, Mega Evolution boosts their stats during a battle but reverts them afterward.

Regular evolution causes a permanent metamorphosis into a new form. Mega Evolution grants a temporary battle morph that enhances strength but does not permanently change the Pokémon.

Can Unevolved Pokémon Still Be Strong?

Definitely! While evolution makes most Pokémon stronger, some unevolved species are quite powerful in their base form.

For example, Pokémon like Scyther, Tangela, Gligar, and Misdreavus can excel in competitive battles without evolving. Their stats stand out even when measured against fully evolved monsters.

So don‘t assume a Pokémon needs to evolve to reach its maximum potential. Sometimes the initial form itself packs a substantial punch!

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