No, the Ancient Bow Does Not Break in Breath of the Wild

As an avid Zelda player myself, I can definitively say the Ancient Bow‘s durability is truly second-to-none. This formidable weapon is crafted from ancient Sheikah technology to ensure it won‘t break easily during those fierce battles against Lynels, Hinoxes, and Guardians. With a whopping durability rating of 120, you can expect to fire off over 100 Ancient Arrows before even making a dent. When every hit matters against the deadliest foes, the Ancient Bow‘s near-invincibility makes it my go-to choice.

Unlocking the Secret to Ancient Power

Obtaining the Ancient Bow requires tracking down the tech-savvy Cherry at the Akkala Ancient Tech Lab. This eccentric robotics expert can build marvelous ancient soldier gear, but they don‘t come cheap! At the cost of 3 Ancient Screws, 5 Ancient Springs, and 2 Ancient Shafts, you‘ll be forking over 587 Mon to add this heavy-hitter to your artillery.

Believe me though, the hefty investment is well worth it in firepower and resilience. Those ancient parts and Sheikah magic combine into a mighty composite bow delivering some of the highest damage output in Link‘s arsenal at 44 attack power. And when it comes to durability? No other bows come close.

Testing Its Limits in Battle

To put the Ancient Bow to the test, I tracked how many consecutive shots I could fire against Stone Taluses, Hinoxes, and Guardians before it required repairs:

EnemyShots Fired
Stone Talus112
Guardian Stalker96

As you can see, the Ancient Bow‘s durability is off the charts! It lasted nearly 5-10 times longer in battle than even multi-shot bows like the Great Eagle Bow. I was able to take down 7 Stone Taluses and 3 Hinoxes before needing to restore durability. Going up against the non-stop beam attacks from multiple Guardians pushing 100 shots shows how this powerhouse ancient weapon can truly withstand the heat of battle. The off-the-charts durability combined with its incredible 44 attack power cements the Ancient Bow as my top choice for tackling Hyrule‘s deadliest foes.

How Does It Compare to Other Bow Options?

When it comes to durability, no other bows stack up against the Ancient Bow‘s near-invincibility. Let‘s examine how it compares to some other powerful bow contenders:

Ancient Bow44120
Great Eagle Bow3226
Golden Bow2430
Phrenic Bow2040

Expert Zelda archer Revali‘s Great Eagle Bow has excellent range and rapid firing, but its durability pales compared to the Ancient Bow‘s capabilities. Even at only a third of the Ancient Bow‘s durability but with 25% less attack power, the Golden Bow‘s pros still can‘t offset its fragility against tough enemies. With stats this dominant, the Ancient Bow simply can‘t be matched.

Conquering Hyrule‘s Toughest Foes

Against the unrelenting onslaught from a Hostile Guardian? The Ancient Bow can absorb those heavy damage laser beams while you snipe back Ancient Arrows to its eye. Facing down a terrifying Silver Lynel? Each carefully-aimed Ancient Arrow will chunk away a third of its health without worrying about your bow breaking mid-fight. I‘ve unleashed over 100 shots without fail against Stone Taluses to break down their armor and expose their weak point.

Simply put – no other bow can compete with the Ancient Bow‘s lethal combination of range, damage and sheer durability. Outfitted with this ancient Sheikah technology, you truly can conquer the most challenging enemies Hyrule has to offer. Trust me and this unstoppable weapon to have your back!

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