Can Arthur Morgan Grow a Level 10 Beard in Red Dead Redemption 2?

The short answer is: yes, Arthur can grow a complete level 10 beard in Red Dead Redemption 2. But it requires understanding the game‘s facial hair growth mechanics, using tonics regularly, and avoiding accidental cuts and shaves.

As an avid RDR2 player with over 200 hours under my belt, as well as a guide writer for my RDR2 blog, I‘ve broken down exactly how you can go from clean shaven to full Santa beard on Arthur Morgan.

How Facial Hair Growth Works in RDR2

Arthur‘s beard growth occurs in 10 stages, with level 10 being the longest possible length. Here‘s a quick overview:

  • Level 1: Stubble
  • Level 4: Chinstrap/Goatee
  • Level 7: Covers neck
  • Level 10: Full Santa beard

Red Dead Redemption 2 tracks the passage of time, with Arthur‘s hair and nails slowly growing over the days and weeks. By default, his beard will naturally increase to level 7 to completely cover his neck. This takes 1-2 weeks of in-game time.

However, forArthur to move past level 7 and reach the longest possible lengths of levels 8, 9 and 10, the player needs to regularly drink Hair Tonics.

Using Tonics to Accelerate Growth

Hair Tonics can be purchased, looted, crafted or found at camp. When consumed, they stimulate extra beard follicle growth beyond Arthur‘s natural rate.

  • Tonics add +0.75 growth per day when used daily
  • It takes ~2 weeks (14 days) to reach max length
  • So roughly 10-12 tonics needed to hit level 10

IMPORTANT: Tonics accelerate growth, but don‘t speed up time itself. You still need to wait the real-time days for his hair to physically grow.

What Chapter Can I Reach Level 10?

With enough tonics and patience, you can grow Arthur‘s beard out to level 10 as early as Chapter 2. Perhaps while hiding out in Horseshoe Overlook, he decided to channel his inner mountain man!

The only limitation is the passage of time itself. Just knock back some tonics each morning, do some story missions and explore, sleep/wait when possible, and eventually the thick bushy beard will emerge.

Maintaining a Level 10 Beard

Once you‘ve reached your desired max length beard, avoiding shaves and haircuts is crucial. One accidental trip to the barber erases days if not weeks of growth depending on length.

A few tips:

  • Don‘t manually save after haircuts to revert easier
  • Grow hair out fully before advancing main story
  • Watch out for gang camp upgrade barbers being unlocked

And most importantly – tell Arthur he looks very distinguished, give that beard a luxurious stroke, and never let him shave it off!

So in summary, yes – through dedicated hair tonic use, lots of patience and avoiding rogue barbers, Arthur Morgan can achieve a gloriously thick level 10 beard in Red Dead Redemption 2.

Now get out there and grow some hair, cowboy!

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