Can the Legendary Devil Hunter Dante Defeat the Omnipotent Zeno?

As an avid gaming fanatic who lives and breathes the hype of new releases, I couldn‘t resist diving into this titanic crossover battle between Dante from Devil May Cry and Dragon Ball Super‘s Zeno. Let‘s slice through the speculation and analyze if Dante‘s devilish coolness can overcome Zeno‘s overwhelming power!

The Contenders

On Dante‘s side, this half-demon warrior packs quite a wallop. He‘s dispatched hordes of demons and bested the underworld‘s toughest baddies, including planet-buster-level foes like Mundus. Dante‘s slice-and-shoot sword and gun combo attacks deliver damage and pain in spades. And his physicality and reactions are easily massively faster-than-light.

In Dragon Ball Super, Zeno stands as the king of all kings. His power goes beyond just universal; he can instantly erase anything and everything across entire multiverses! Zeno wiped out 6 universes in one attack, and has one-shot seemingly immortal foes. His existence wields absolute destruction.

Dante vs Zeno

Key Factors

Comparing these warriors requires analyzing several key factors:

Physical Stats


While Dante exceeds in strength and durability, Zeno‘s speed remains unclear and likely trumps all.

Hax Abilities

  • Dante: healing factor, demonic amping, time slow, piercing weapons
  • Zeno: instant Erase, existence Erase, non-corporeality

Zeno‘s hax seem vastly superior through existence erasure.

Best Feats

  • Dante: Defeated universal reality warpers like Mundus, tanked attacks that could destroy worlds
  • Zeno: Instantly erased immortal beings and 6 universes at once

Zeno‘s casual, rapid universe destruction outpaces Dante.

Win Conditions

  1. Dante: Somehow resist Zeno‘s erasure to land attacks and wear Zeno down
  2. Zeno: Erase Dante from existence before getting overpowered

Zeno has far more win con options than Dante here.

Final Verdict

While Dante possesses enough strength, speed and hax to overwhelm most foes, I can‘t see him overcoming Zeno‘s instant, automatic universal+ erasure powers. The Omni King could remove Dante from reality before the Son of Sparda reaches him. And even if Dante‘s healing factor resurrects him, Zeno could simply erase him again.

Could Dante possibly activate equipment like the Bangle of Time or use demonic amping to achieve immeasurable speed and one-shot blitz Zeno? Perhaps, but that seems wholly speculative without any actual universal speed feats.

Ultimately, the astronomical gap between destroying one planet/universe and instantly wiping 6+ universes leans this battle overwhelmingly toward Zeno. Dante definitely earns his reputation as an elite demon hunter, but stands little chance against Dragon Ball‘s mightiest multiversal menace. Let me know what you think though! Can the dark knight Dante pull this upset?

What Other Gaming Icons Could Challenge Zeno?

Zeno may brush Dante aside, but could other video game legends push the ruler more? Beings like Kratos (God of War), Bayonetta, Asura, or Kirby wield enough reality-shaping moxie to potentially threaten Zeno. I‘d love to analyze more of these inter-franchise battles! So hit me up in the comments on who could actually topple Dragon Ball‘sZenozoZenoAlmighty Zeno!

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