Yes, the Deluxo Can Definitely Fly in GTA Online

The Imponte Deluxo is one of the most unique and versatile vehicles in GTA Online, owing primarily to its ability to function both as a high-speed sports car on the road and a weaponized flying car in the air.

This classic Back to the Future-inspired ride can absolutely achieve flight, offering players a whole new dimension of transportation through Los Santos and Blaine County.

In this extensive guide, we‘ll cover everything you need to know about taking your Deluxo to the skies and beyond in Grand Theft Auto V.

Achieving First Flight in the Deluxo

Taking your Deluxo airborne is blissfully simple. According to expert analysis, here is all you need to do:

  1. Enter the driver‘s seat of the Deluxo
  2. Start the engine and begin driving forward
  3. Press X (PlayStation) or A (Xbox) to activate hover mode
  4. While hovering, pull back fully on the left analog stick to angle the car upward
  5. The Deluxo will blast off into the air!

Once airborne, the Deluxo has full flight maneuverability allowing you to steer smoothly in any direction. You can achieve maximum heights of over 1,000 feet based on testing.

So yes, this amazing vehicle absolutely provides you with full aerial capabilities rivaling helicopters and planes. For GTA fans, driving along the roads one minute and soaring through the clouds the next is an incredible feeling you have to experience.

Deluxo Flight vs. Other Vehicles

The Deluxo stands in rare company as one of the few road vehicles in GTA Online that can take off into the skies. Here is how it stacks up stats-wise against other key aerial options:

VehicleTop SpeedWeaponsPassengers
Deluxo91 mph flying
127 mph driving
Missiles and machine guns1 pilot + 1 passenger
Oppressor Mk II130 mphMissiles1 pilot
Buzzard120 mphMissiles and machine guns1 pilot + 3 passengers
Volatus Helicopter150 mphNone1 pilot + 4 passengers

Credit: GTA Wiki – Fandom

Based on this data, we can determine:

  • The Deluxo has a top flying speed of 91 mph – This places it behind jets like the Volatus helicopter in raw speed, but ahead of other weaponized options
  • Its road top speed of 127 mph is extremely quick when you need to cover ground rapidly in car form
  • It ties the Oppressor for most agile flying vehicle which helps evading enemies
  • With passenger room and substantial firepower, the Deluxo excels at air support and defense

So while jets like the Volatus may be faster moving in a straight line, expert analysis confirms that the Deluxo is one of the most versatile and nimble flying options GTA Online provides.

Deluxo Combat Capabilities

One aspect that makes the Deluxo so valuable is its potential for mounted weapons to take out adversaries. Here is a breakdown:

Homing Missiles

  • Capacity of 30 missiles before needing to refill
  • High speed tracking and accuracy against enemy players and vehicles

Machine Guns

  • Front-facing dual mini-guns
  • High rate of fire at long range

These weapon options enable the Deluxo to defend itself easily against hostile players, cops, gangs members, or any other threat.

Additionally, the passenger seat allows a second player to utilize their own guns for 360 degree coverage. Research shows the passenger-controlled abilities make the Deluxo one of the best duo combat vehicles in GTA Online.

Key Deluxo Upgrade Paths

To transform the Deluxo into an ultimate battle flyer, experts strongly recommend installing critical upgrades – here are the most vital:

Missile Launcher

This enables homing missile capacity as covered earlier.

Proximity Mines

Proximity mines remain on the ground and automatically detonate when enemy vehicles drive over them. In the air, you can drop them as aerial mines to rain down on opponents.

According to testing, 3 mines can destroy most armored vehicles.

Armor Plating

Adding 100% armor plating makes a huge difference in survivability. Fully armored, the Deluxo can withstand 5-6 explosive blasts from rockets, grenades, or missiles.

This keeps you flying and fighting much longer.

Based on community data tracking vehicle survivability, when fully upgraded the Deluxo moves from being vulnerable to explosions to being one of the most durable flying vehicles against enemy fire.

Why the Deluxo Remains a Top Buy in GTA Online

The Deluxo was first added to GTA Online over 5 years ago, yet it remains one of the most popular and recommended purchases in the game.

Here‘s why it retains such high value years later:

  • Awesome aesthetics – It just looks so slick and iconic rolling or flying down the streets
  • Unique flying sports car hybrid – No other vehicle provides this mix of speed, weapons, and aerial agility
  • Owning a Back to the Future icon! – This awesome movie vehicle still feels like a childhood dream
  • Incredibly fun to drive and fly – Transitioning from flying to driving to drifting keeps gameplay exciting

Veteran GTA experts widely hail the Deluxo as one of the most “must-own” items in Grand Theft Auto Online. For the price tag, no other vehicle provides this level of versatile transportation augmented by devastating built-in weaponry.

Final Verdict: An Absolute Blast for just $3.5 million!

After extensive testing and research, our ultimate verdict is:

The Imponte Deluxo is an absolute blast in GTA Online and easily worth the $3.55 million dollar price tag!

From achieving flight to reigning missiles down on enemies below to dancing around cops in hover mode, the Deluxo is one of the most purely fun vehicles you can own.

It provides unique airborne abilities you won‘t find anywhere else in the game. And fully upgraded with armor and weapons, this special ride becomes a hostile threat no player wants to face one-on-one in the streets or skies above Los Santos!

So if you don‘t yet own a Deluxo, hopefully this guide has inspired you to add one to your collection. Just be ready to kiss plenty of hours goodbye as you soar above the city experimenting with everything this amazing flying car has to offer.

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