Can the Deluxo Go in Water in GTA 5? An Amphibious Vehicle Guide

As an avid Grand Theft Auto gamer and fan site contributor, one of my favorite vehicles in GTA 5 is the Imponte Deluxo. This classic retro car holds a special place for many fans due to its iconic appearance in the Back to the Future movie series.

Overview – An All-Terrain Vehicle That Can Traverse Water

The key defining feature of the Deluxo that makes it such a versatile vehicle is its ability to switch into a hovercraft mode. This allows it to literally float and fly over both land and water!

By entering hover mode, where hover jets lift the car off the ground, you can seamlessly transition from tearing down the roads to smoothly gliding over the waters around Los Santos without a hitch.

So in clear terms – yes, the Deluxo can traverse water just as well as solid ground in GTA 5. It‘s one of the few vehicles that can double up as both a car and a boat replacement.

Let‘s take a more in-depth look at how well the Deluxo handles over water and how it compares to other amphibious vehicles in the game.

Technical Analysis – Hover Jets Allow Smooth Water Maneuverability

The Deluxo is equipped with vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) hover jets that activate in hovercraft mode. These thrusters propel and suspend the vehicle over both land and water.

This allows the Deluxo to essentially act as a floating seaplane, giving it full maneuverability to traverse even large open water areas. The jets provide enough uplift that bouyancy is not an issue at all.

Based on community tests, we can quantify some of the Deluxo‘s capabilities in hover mode:

  • Top Speed Over Water: 87 mph
  • Height Capable of Reaching: Up to 2300 feet above water level
  • Maneuverability Rating: 9/10 – Very responsive with precise turning control
  • traction/handling Rating: 8/10 – Hover jets provide stability but turning circles are wide

The top speed indicates Deluxo can move faster than many boats, while the max altitude shows it has no issues reaching sufficient height to transition safely back to land.

Furthermore, handling characteristics remain solid out over the waters given the balanced lift from the jets. You still retain that unique BTTF Deluxo feel even surrounded completely by ocean!

Submersible Ability – Floating Above The Waves Rather Than Under

One key aspect is that while the Deluxo can happily traverse over water dotted with small islands, it cannot be fully submerged under the water.

The downward thruster force is not enough to resist getting flooded while properly underwater. So this vehicle is strictly for high-speed sea gliding over the waves rather than exploring ocean depths.

You‘ll need a submarine like the Kraken Avisa if you really want to plunge into the abyss!

Comparison With Other GTA 5 Amphibious Vehicles

The Deluxo‘s hybrid water capabilities put up well against other vehicle options designed for the ocean. Here‘s how some stats stack up:

VehicleTop Speed (mph)Armor RatingWeapons?Price (GTA$)
Imponte Deluxo875/10Missiles + Machine Gun$4.7 million
Ocelot Stromberg809/10Missiles + Machine Gun$3.185 million
Western Company Seabreeze1303/10N/A$1.285 million

Analyzing this table shows that the Deluxo provides a nicely balanced package.

While the Stromberg edges out in protection, the Deluxo wins on speed and firepower via its flying ability and array of weapons. The tradeoff is the Deluxo does cost a fair bit more.

The Seabreeze on the other hand is a pure speed boat without weapons – so it depends whether combat capability is important for your water traversal needs.

My Take – Well Worth The Investment For A Multi-Terrain Workhorse

Spending nearly $5 million GTA dollars on the Deluxo is no joke, but I believe it‘s a smart investment for various reasons:

  • The amphibious capabilities provide flexibility no other vehicle can match
  • Being able to switch instantly into a fast sea plane complements the road performance
  • You can avoid buying separate expensive boats and aircraft
  • Weaponry, speed, maneuverability metrics are very competitive

If you do a lot of missions across both land and sea, having access to a durable vehicle that handles the transition smoothly is invaluable.

And that‘s on top of the Deluxo just being an absolute blast to cruise around either on roads or over the ocean!

So in summary – the Deluxo as a multifunctional vehicle gives you great bang for buck that I firmly recommend to all players. That wraps up my complete guide on this seafaring classic from Hill Valley!

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