Yes, Enel can use Haki

Fellow adventure gamers, today we dereve deep into the question – can the swagmaster God Enel use Haki? Let‘s break down the facts!

Enel‘s Observation Haki is Among the Best in the Series

Without a doubt, Enel has mastery over one type of Haki – Observation Haki, known as Mantra in the sky islands. According to the One Piece wiki, his Mantra ability ranks among the very best in the entire series!

He can use Mantra to sense the presence, emotions, actions and even thoughts of everything within the island of Skypiea – giving him borderline omniscient awareness. His observation range encompasses roughly 7 km, allowing him to react to situations instantaneously.

In terms of scope and precision, Enel‘s Mantra far exceeds Base Luffy‘s future sight, and rivals even Katakuri‘s advanced Observation Haki prowess:

Range7 km islandFuture sight onlyWhole island
PrecisionRead thoughtsSee the future onlySee slightly into future

So while he may not have exhibited future sight specifically, Enel‘s Mantra operates on a entirely higher level compared to most Observation Haki!

What About Armament and Conqueror‘s Haki?

Unfortunately, the God Enel has not showcased any proficiency in Armament or Conqueror‘s Haki.

As one of the most powerful Logia fruits around, he likely saw no need to learn Armament Haki for offense or defense. And his reclusive years playing God in Skypiea‘s paradise offered few chances to awaken his inner Conqueror.

However, for all his arrogance, Enel is a combat savant – mastering his Devil Fruit and fine-tuning his Mantra to godly levels. If he trained specifically in Haki, he could easily unlock top-tier Armament and even latent Conqueror‘s abilities.

After all, as born fighter with overwhelming self-confidence,1701 he has the potential for greatness in all types of Haki.

How Does Enel‘s Haki-Amped Strength Measure Up?

Backed by his Goro Goro no Mi and Mantra, Enel‘s fighting capabilities already make him a top-tier threat few can handle. Let‘s analyse his power levels across some key stats:

Destructive Capacity

  • Casually vaporized an entire island with his Raigo technique
  • 200,000,000 Volt Vari able output
  • Scales to mountain+/island level


  • Transformed into lightning itself, reaching thunderclap speeds
  • Lightning typically clocks around 270,000 mph
  • Relativistic reactions via Mantra


  • Lightning Logia intangibility makes him near-invincible
  • Tanked powerful Haki-infused blows from Luffy
  • Island level durability with Goro Goro no Mi

As we can see, Enel is firmly in the top tiers of One Piece with his Mantra and Devil Fruit alone.

If he further honed his Armament Haki to bypass Logia defenses? Or awakened Advanced Conqueror‘s coating like the Yonko? He could reasonably defeat the likes of Katakuri, King and challenge characters on the level of Shanks or Akainu!

How Can Enel Further Improve His Haki?

While already tremendously powerful, there remains room for the God to grow even stronger!

If Enel trained specifically to expand his Mantra‘s range or evolve it into future sight, he would gain near unmatched sensory abilities.

Learning even the basics of Armament Haki would let him bypass any Logia‘s intangibility – perfect for countering crafty fighters like Kizaru or Smoker.

And on the small chance he unlocks Conqueror‘s Haki? That raw damage boost paired with Electrical attacks could overwhelm basically any defense!

The possibilities are endless for a combat genius like Enel. With his laidback personality he might not pursue greater strength – but should he desire to improve his Haki, few fighters could hope to oppose Thunder God Enel!

So in summary – Enel can absolutely use Haki, and has top tier Mastery of Observation Haki specifically. And if fully trained in all types of Haki? He would enter the upper echelons as an Emperor class fighter without doubt!

Let me know your thoughts Nakama – would you like to see Enel return with improved Haki? And how strong could he become? Discuss in the comments!

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