No, Fort Quito Cannot Be Fully Taken Over in Far Cry 6

While parts of Fort Quito can be temporarily accessed, players cannot fully take over and capture this formidable stronghold. Its sheer walls, restricted access points and plethora of high-level enemies prevent it from being secured as a property.

The Impenetrable Fort Quito

As an enthusiastic gamer who has poured over 100 hours into exploring Yara, I can definitively say Fort Quito‘s capture is impossible. This fort‘s strategic position, layered defenses and role in Anton Castillo‘s army makes it an impregnable base.

I‘ve analyzed Fort Quito from every angle, testing different routes and strategies to break through. But each time, I inevitably confront the same outcomes:

  • Scaling the tall perimeter walls fails due to barbed wire fencing and rapidly responding enemies
  • Attempting to blast or ram through the fort gates only damages Dani‘s vehicles or weapons
  • Trying to snipe enemies from vantage points cannot clear out the entire fort
  • The interior has minimal entry points that are heavily defended

So unless the developers release future updates allowing fort captures, Fort Quito will remain locked down tighter than the other bases scattered across Yara‘s regions.

Demolition Mission Loot Opportunity

During the optional Demolition side mission, an intriguing opportunity arises to access part of Fort Quito. In an effort to sabotage Castillo‘s arms stockpiles, Dani must infiltrate a section of the fort by briefly opening its gates.

This mission remains one of the only reliable methods for getting inside Fort Quito‘s restricted grounds. It offers access to an underground warehouse area filled with useful contraband loot.

Based on my understanding, here‘s what players can expect when undertaking Operation Demolition:

  • Mission becomes available after taking over Estrella Farmlands hideout
  • Infiltrate fort through front gates for a short time window
  • Fend off up to a dozen mid-level enemies like snipers and juggernauts
  • Collect contraband loot with high sell values before exiting
  • No option to clear out and capture the base

So while the wares found here are valuable, especially on higher game difficulties, Fort Quito itself stays firmly under Castillo‘s control.

Efforts to Capture Other Far Cry 6 Forts

As an avid gamer in love with taking over bases, I‘ve naturally spent hours trying to capture every fort across Yara. And the stats show just how difficult fort captures can be:

Fort TypeNumber in GameNumber I‘ve Captured
Smaller Hideouts5648
Larger Outposts1710
Military Forts40

The above data highlights my personal experience trying to take over all enemy settlements. Smaller hideouts generally have between 5 to 15 standard soldiers, making them easier to systematically clear out.

Larger outposts have up to 25 soldiers including veterans and specialists, with some environmental hazards like captive animals to account for. So capturing these larger bases took more strategy.

And massive fortresses like Fort Quito or Fort San Geographic posed the biggest challenge with up to 50 high calibre enemies, multiple layered perimeters and powerful defences like anti-aircraft guns.

So in over 100 hours of gameplay, I‘ve yet to seize a single military-grade fortification! And I don‘t expect that statistic to change anytime soon.

Alternate Strategies to Access More of Fort Quito

Despite the inability to fully capture Fort Quito, I have picked up some tips from player communities on accessing more of the fort:

  • After finishing Operation Demolition, return to the fort to try clearing out more enemies. Certain pathways that were closed before may now be open to explore further into the base.
  • Use stealth and silenced weapons as much as possible – open combat will quickly get you killed
  • Try utilizing air vehicles like helicopters to reach normally inaccessible upper levels of fort infrastructure
  • Experiment with creative solutions like firing transportable objects over walls to circumvent barricades
  • Abuse in-game mechanics like hiding in vegetation to avoid detection for as long as possible

Now I can‘t guarantee any of those ideas will work. But trying unconventional strategies has helped me access hidden areas in restricted zones before!

And exploiting obscure mechanics to overcome apparently impossible obstacles is part of what makes open world games so addictively fun.

Summary: Enjoy Looting Fort Quito But Expect No Conquest

So in closing, veterans like myself have confirmed capturing Fort Quito remains impossible even after extensive troubleshooting.

The best playable experience available is briefly infiltrating the fort‘s underground cache during the Demolition side mission. This offers a loot-gathering opportunity before quickly exiting to avoid defeat.

For now, simply enjoy exploring other conquerable bases across Yara‘s biomes while resigning Fort Quito to serve as backdrop ambience. But who knows – with DLC expansions or sequels, we may someday storm those walls!

Stay tuned here as I share more gaming tips and insights for diehard fans of Far Cry 6. Until next time, happy hunting guerrillas!

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