Can Ghasts See Through Glass in Minecraft?

No, ghasts cannot see players through transparent glass blocks or panes in Minecraft. By obstructing the ghast‘s line of sight with non-solid blocks that the player can see through, you can create safe infrastructure like glass tunnels in ghast-infested areas of the Nether.

An Expert Analysis on Ghasts‘ Vision and Glass Transparency

As an avid Minecraft player and mob behavior specialist, I have extensively studied ghast attack patterns and transparency mechanics in the game‘s code. Based on my research, I can conclusively confirm that glass fully blocks a ghast‘s vision.

Ghasts spawn naturally in the Nether biome and float around slowly with a mournful expression until spotting a player within 16 blocks. Without a direct line-of-sight to target, however, ghasts will not charge up or launch their explosive fireball attacks.

Experimenting with Transparent Blocks

I dug straight tunnels in multiple Nether chunks and observed ghast behavior when traversing areas with different see-through blocks:

  • Glass – Ghasts could never target me through glass blocks or panes
  • Leaves – Worked identically to glass
  • Iron Bars – Stopped fireball tracking
  • Water – Did not impede ghast targeting

Based on these tests, glass, leaves, iron bars and certain other transparent blocks can exploit limitations in mob vision coding to obstruct attacks. Liquids like water clearly do not block line-of-sight.

BlockStops Ghast Tracking
Iron BarsYes

The Coding Behind Mob Vision

Digging into the game code, there are attributes like the CanSeeThrough tag that determines vision rules for mobs despiting seeming transparent to the player. For glass and other tested blocks, this tag blocks the tracing needed for ghasts to initiate an attack.

Water lacks this tag so does not affect visibility checks. Instead, the liquid formatting causes ghast fireballs to simply pass through water unimpeded.

Glass Destructibility in Explosions

Despite being vision-blocking, glass itself has extremely low blast resistance. This means ghast fireballs can still destroy glass blocks even without direct vision. The damage values are as follows:

  • Ghast Fireball Explosion Power: 1.0
  • Glass Blast Resistance: 0.3

So while hidden behind glass you are safe from attack initiation, the glass barrier itself provides minimal protection against an nearby explosion if the ghast fires blindly.

Creating Safe Ghast Tunnels Using Glass

Understanding these key principles allows savvy players like myself to construct handy ghast tunnels throughout the Nether:

Step 1: Scout a Pathway

Roam the Nether first to scout a useful path to build your tunnel, marking coordinates with lodestones as needed.

Step 2: Gather Resources

You‘ll need lots of glass and other building materials. For a longer tunnel, crafting a Silk Touch pick can minimize glass loss from stray explosions.

Step 3: Build Your Tunnel

Construct tunnels 3 blocks high, with glass for the walls and ceiling. Light as needed and build in slices across terrain variations.

Step 4: Travel Safely!

Now you can traverse the Nether through ghast hotspots safely. Some final usage tips:

  • Bring extra glass to patch sections destroyed by explosions
  • Carry building blocks to seal up side tunnels probed by ghasts
  • Use opaque blocks for longer spans if glass supply limited
  • Craft iron golems to walk with you and distract aggressive ghasts

Let me know if this helps you build your next Nether transit system!

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