Can Goku and Saitama Beat the Avengers?

As an avid gamer and Marvel vs. anime debater, this titanic crossover match-up intrigues me. At first glance, Earth‘s Mightiest Heroes seem outmatched facing destroyer-of-worlds Goku and one-punch Saitama. But the Avengers prevailed against cosmic-level threats thanks to teamwork and hax abilities. This battle could go either way…let‘s break it down.

Saitama‘s Ludicrous Strength

True to his "One Punch Man" title, Saitama demonstrates almost limitless superhuman strength and speed. He has one-shot virtually every opponent, including beings that can pulverize planets. His best feat came against Boros – Saitama‘s casual normal punch unleashed shockwaves that blasted through Boros‘ planet-busting attack.

Even the combined human strength of Avengers like Captain America, Black Widow and Hawkeye cannot compare to Saitama. Any direct blow would pulverize them instantly. While Thor and Hulk have better durability feats, I estimate Saitama to hit with 2-3 times greater force than their best showings based on scaling. Only absolute top-tiers like Captain Marvel could potentially withstand a Serious Punch.

Saitama also cannot die thanks to breaking his limiter. When incinerated down to a skeleton by Dr. Genus, he regenerated instantly without issue. This virtual invulnerability makes Saitama impossibly hard to put down.

In short, no Avenger ranks near Saitama‘s tier of power. Only reality-warpers pose a threat.

Goku‘s Ever-Growing Power

Goku hails from a warrior race called Saiyans, thriving in combat and constantly seeking greater power. He has mastered martial arts and ki manipulation, enhancing his blows with explosive energy blasts. At his strongest in Ultra Instinct form, Goku can access godly reflexes and attack with enough force to distort space-time itself.

While not as overtly indestructible as Saitama, Goku has incredible durability feats. He withstood universe-shaking blasts at 1/10th power during the Tournament of Power with minor scratches. Goku can also amplify his durability by manipulating his ki into barriers and protective auras.

Having defeated opponents capable of busting galaxies and even universes, Goku also far outstrips almost any Avenger in strength – again matched only by cosmic beings like Captain Marvel or Scarlet Witch. And that‘s before activating Ultra Instinct or his Saiyan rage boosts.

Goku matches or surpasses virtually all Avengers in combat ability. His ever-increasing power poses a huge threat.

Scenarios Where Avengers Could Win

Reality Warping Hax

Powerful magicians Doctor Strange and Scarlet Witch can manipulate reality itself. In character, they rarely utilize the full extent of this ability. Bloodlusted, reality wrapping could seal Goku/Saitama in pocket dimensions, molecularly disassemble them, drive them insane via hallucinations, or erase them from existence outright.

However, Goku/Saitama‘s speed and aggression may overwhelm them before they activate such abilities. And Saitama has resistance to some reality manipulation based on his Dr. Genus fight.

Time Manipulation

Avengers like Age of Ultron Scarlet Witch and Infinity War Doctor Strange could trap the anime heroes in extensive time loops to incapacitate them. But direct offensive applications of this ability tend to leave the user vulnerable, unlikely before Goku/Saitama blitz them.

Matter Manipulation

Vision, Ant-Man and Iron Man have limited capacity to directly transmute opponents at a molecular level which could freeze or disable Goku and Saitama. But all would need considerable prep time without interference to reach the necessary level of molecular control.

Separate and Overwhelm

United, the raw power of Goku and Saitama checkmates the divided Avengers. But in-character the loners may fight individually where the full Avengers roster could eventually wear them down. Sentry and Hulk match Goku for strength while reality warpers neutralize Saitama. Land enough attacks through Goku‘s ki shields or Saitama‘s invulnerability and they may finally drop. But the margin for error is razor thin.

Avengers Win Conditions% Chance
Reality Warping Hax20%
Time Manipulation15%
Matter Manipulation10%
Separate and Overwhelm25%

In my estimation, the Avengers have around a 30-35% overall chance to win given these most likely victory scenarios. The remainder goes to Goku and Saitama overwhelming their enemies.

Why the Anime Duo Usually Wins

Blitzing for the Win

Goku has demonstrated casual movement faster than light speed and reflexes that allow him to fight against opponents moving at hundreds of times light speed. Saitama‘s best combat speed feats reach around 70% light speed by reasonable scaling to other threats – but that is likely nowhere near his peak.

If Goku utilizes Ultra Instinct while Saitama gets even slightly serious from the outset, they could blitz and one-shot several key Avengers before they can react. Taking out Doctor Strange, Scarlet Witch and Vision early on limits hax abilities that could turn the tide later. Leaving raw strength and spaceships as the only resistance.

Overwhelming Force

Goku and Saitama have withstood planet-devastating and higher attacks that make even the striking power of Mjolnir, Stormbreaker and Captain Marvel look third-rate. Both also have extreme control – Goku can fight universe busters without destroying the arena. This pinpoint devastation focused on the enemy poses huge danger.

While certain Avengers have regeneration abilities on par with Goku‘s Saiyan healing, I don‘t believe any can recover from disintegration on a molecular level like Saitama has demonstrated. And good luck trying to contain them – Goku can teleport and Saitama literally jumped from the Moon back to Earth already.

Tag-Teaming for the Win

Saitama hardly ever collaborates with allies while Goku prefers solo challenges but excels fighting in tandem with equals. If bloodlusted, their teamwork could be unmatched with Goku chaining rapid attacks to set up Saitama‘s overwhelming killing blows.

Avengers heavy hitters like Thor still regularly fall to large groups due to distraction, exhaustion or coordinated attacks. Goku and Saitama working together offsets the Avengers‘ usual teamwork advantage.

In summary, the anime duo should win 7-8/10 fights via superior stats and their tendency to finish fights instantly. Only reality warpers pose a threat if Goku/Saitama don‘t blitz them.

The Verdict?

This extremely close match contains too many variables to predict definitively. At their most powerful, Goku and Saitama likely take a very slight majority. Avengers have enough hax and numbers to pull out wins under the right circumstances. Bloodlusted, the anime heroes blitz before Avengers can react. In-character, Avenger teamwork divides the loners to slowly earn a victory.

Let me know your thoughts! As a fellow gamer debating this titanic crossover for years, I‘m happy to analyze further or provide additional evidence. But I score this hypothetical as Goku and Saitama triumphing more often than not against Earth‘s Mightiest Heroes.

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