Can Goku no longer use ultra instinct?

As a hardcore Dragon Ball fan, I‘m thrilled to confirm Goku can still summon his godly Ultra Instinct power. He recently tapped into it during the Galactic Patrol Prisoner arc showing he retains access to this ultimate technique.

However, there’s a catch…

Goku‘s Current Ultra Instinct Forms

Right now Goku can utilize two Ultra Instinct forms:

Ultra Instinct Omen

  • Accessible at will
  • Enhanced speed, reflexes and defense
  • Not the full power of Ultra Instinct

Complete Ultra Instinct

  • Peak attacking and defensive capability
  • Temporarily achieved during Tournament of Power
  • Cannot be activated at will currently

So Goku has completely mastered Ultra Instinct‘s defensive state, dodging without thinking. But he lacks control of its offensive potential and overall power.

Why Can‘t Goku Unleash Full Ultra Instinct?

Based on Goku‘s own words, complete mastery of Ultra Instinct is tied to him being pushed to the brink. When his back is against the wall with no options left, calling on Ultra Instinct as a last resort.

In the Tournament of Power, Universe 7‘s survival was on the line. This imminent erasure threat forced Goku beyond his limits into the full Ultra Instinct form.

But now with no universe-ending stakes, Goku is deprived of the urgent conditions needed to break his mortal shell. He can only channel a fraction of Ultra Instinct‘s true power.

This leads fans to wonder – can Goku ever tap into the completed Ultra Instinct form at will?

My Analysis on Goku Mastering Ultra Instinct

Given Goku’s fierce tenacity for combat growth, I’m confident he’ll reattain complete Ultra Instinct someday.

Whis mentioned divine training is required to fully master Ultra Instinct to Angel standards. And we know Goku is now undergoing specialized training with Merus, an Angel trainee.

Perhaps replicating that desperate Tournament of Power scenario will provide the final push. But we could also see Merus passing his Angel teachings to permanently ingrain complete Ultra Instinct in Goku.

As the protagonist, I have no doubts Goku will overcome this limitation eventually. It’s only a matter of time and circumstance!

What Comes After Ultra Instinct for Goku?

With Ultra Instinct currently sitting atop Goku’s power scales, where could he possibly go from here?

As a Dragon Ball gaming fanatic myself, I love speculating on Goku’s future transformations:

Unlocked Ultra Ego

  • Boosts destructive impulse and attack power
  • Potential fusion with Ultra Instinct

Ultra Instinct Stage Two

  • Theory of further Ultra Instinct perfection

Combining Ultra Instinct with Super Saiyan God forms

  • Could remove imperfections balancing the divine

Reaching heights beyond even Angel masters

  • Ever-escalating strength is Goku’s lifeblood!

And knowing Akira Toriyama‘s tendency for escalation, I doubt even complete Ultra Instinct will remain Goku’s ceiling forever. There are likely greater heights and spectacular fusions still in store!

Whatever comes next, as an avid Dragon Ball gamer I can‘t wait to experience Goku‘s future powers for myself and share them with fellow fans!

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