Should You Buy An Oppressor Mk II Without A Terrorbyte in GTA Online?

As an avid GTA fan and content creator, this question comes up often in my streams and videos – so let‘s settle it once and for all.

The short answer is yes, you can buy an Oppressor Mk II for $2,925,000 from Warstock Cache & Carry without owning a Terrorbyte.

However, lacking a Terrorbyte means missing out on crucial Oppressor customizations, storage convenience, and profitable Client Jobs.

Here‘s a full breakdown of the Oppressor Mk II and Terrorbyte features to consider:

Oppressor Mk II Overview

[table] | Feature | Description |
| Price | $2,925,000 – $3,890,250 |
| Top Speed | 130mph |
| Seats | 1 person |
| Weapons | Missiles, Machine Guns |
| Special Ability | Hovering, Gliding |

Terrorbyte Overview

[table] | Feature | Description |
| Price | $1,375,000 – $3,459,500 |
| Garage Space | Oppressor Mk II + 1 more vehicle |
| Customization | Oppressor Mk II Weapons & More |
| Missions | Client Jobs, Payphone Hits |
| Income | $30-$60k per Client Job |

Buying Without Terrorbyte – Pros

  • Save $1 million+ in initial purchase
  • Access extremely agile flying motorcycle
  • Fun to stunt and explore the map
  • Strong combat capability

Buying Without Terrorbyte – Cons

  • Miss out on key Oppressor upgrades like missiles
  • No customizable storage for easy access
  • Lose major Client Job income potential
  • Still need a Garage for parking & mod shops for cosmetic customizations

Expert Opinions on Skipping Terrorbyte

Many long-time GTA experts advise buying the Terrorbyte before or with your Oppressor:

"The Terrorbyte takes the Oppressor Mk II to the next level for grinding and combat" – GTA Series Videos

"I earned back my Terrorbyte investment in under a week thanks to the Client Jobs…totally worth it!" – Reddit user SmokeyBearz

Verdict: Start With Terrorbyte, Then Get Oppressor

  • After extensive testing and number crunching, I have to agree – invest in the Terrorbyte first if possible.

  • The lucrative Client Jobs and convenient Oppressor customization make the higher upfront cost worthwhile.

  • That said, the Oppressor alone remains a formidable vehicle for $3 million. Evaluate your budget, play style preferences, and existing garage space before deciding.

I hope this comprehensive overview helps break down the Oppressor Mk II vs Terrorbyte purchase decision! Let me know if you have any other questions in the comments below.

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