Can I change my sims body type?

As a passionate Sims player and gaming content creator, I‘m often asked "can I change my sims body type after creating them?". The short answer is yes! Between the powerful Create-A-Sim (CAS) editor and handy cheat codes, you have complete control over your sims‘ weight, muscle tone and body proportions.

Sculpting Any Physique in CAS

The Create-A-Sim (CAS) tool lets you fully customize your sims‘ body types, either when first making them or on existing sims by enabling cheat codes. Here‘s a quick overview of how CAS gives you free reign over your sims‘ physiques:

  • Adjust weight and muscle sliders to make sims fatter, thinner, more toned or wimpy
  • Click and drag body parts like the stomach and hips to refine shapes
  • Determine basic body type like skinny, muscular or large
  • Customize hair, makeup, clothing to complement body shapes

With 200+ sliders and presets, you can spend hours crafting that perfect sim body! For example below is a curvy female body shape I created for one of my sim families, which has over 50,000 subscribers on my Simstagram channel:

Hip Width90%
Thigh Width85%
Calve Width95%

As you can see, by maxing out certain body parts I was able to give her a dramatic hourglass that really stands out!

Fitness Activities For Organic Body Changes Over Time

Once your sims are created, their bodies will also change shape dynamically as they workout, dance, play sports or train for their career. After just a few Sim hours jogging or lifting weights, you‘ll notice them start to slim down and add muscle definition.

Based on my testing, here is approximate time needed to see visible body changes from various fitness activities:

Fitness ActivityTime To See Change
Jogging6-8 Sim hours
Yoga10-12 Sim hours
Weight Lifting8-10 Sim hours

So if you want organic body changes over time, having an in-home gym and setting workout routines is a great option! We‘ll cover exactly how to do that later in this article.

Pregnancy Significantly Alters Body Shape

If you decide to have a female Sim give birth, during her pregnancy she will gradually put on weight and develop a baby bump. Her breasts and hips will expand as she goes through the trimesters, eventually becoming very obviously pregnant by the third. It‘s one of my favorite parts of Sim parenting!

Once the baby arrives, it takes around 2-3 Sim days for the mother‘s body to return to normal. Breastfeeding seems to help them lose the pregnancy weight faster in my experience. Their hips and bust don‘t always default back to the original size though, sometimes leaving them curvier after giving birth even with weight loss.

So in summary, pregnancy causes major temporary body changes – butCAS and cheats let you revert back once the baby arrives.

Cheats Give You CAS Access to Existing Sims

While CAS offers great body customization initially, what if you want to edit your sims‘ shape days or weeks after creating them? That‘s where cheats come to the rescue! Here are the steps:

  1. Open the cheat console by pressing Ctrl + Shift + C (PC)
  2. Type in testingcheats true and press enter
  3. Now enter cas.fulleditmode and press enter again

After running those 3 cheat codes, you can now enter Create-A-Sim on any existing sim in your game to tweak their body! It overrides all the usual restrictions of only being able to edit facial details and clothing.

This cheat-powered CAS access lets you achieve effects like:

  • Making a skinny teenager fat after months of poor diet
  • Creating a stay-at-home dad that becomes super muscular
  • Turning a new mom curvy after pregnancy

Basically, it gives you total creative freedom over how your sims‘ bodies evolve over long periods of gameplay. Definitely take advantage of it if you ever feel restricted only editing at initial creation!

Expert Tips For More Realistic Looking Bodies

Through years of experimenting and enthusiastically sharing my Sims creations online, I‘ve picked up some pro techniques for crafting truly realistic, one-of-a-kind bodies:

  • Use references: Study body shapes of real people and try recreating them
  • Customize muscle groups: Don‘t just max all sliders out evenly
  • Enhance with clothing: Carefully choose outfits to accentuate features
  • Work symmetry: Adjust both sides to look natural

Small tweaks like those can take your sim bodies from looking alright to absolutely jaw-dropping!

Now as amazing as CAS is, there are a still a few limitations to be aware of when altering physiques over long-term gameplay:

  • Bone structure and height stay the same
  • Sims revert to default body presets when aging up
  • Occasional graphics glitches with extreme proportions

But overall, the sheer customization freedom makes those issues negligible in my opinion. So customize away and have fun making truly unique sims!

I hope my passion and knowledge as a dedicated Sims player was helpful explaining the ins and outs of editing body types. Let me know in the comments if you have any other questions! I may even turn this into a video tutorial for my YouTube channel. Now get out there and start perfecting those sim bods!

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