Yes, You Can Change the Master Duel Account Linked to Steam

The good news is it is absolutely possible to change which Master Duel account is connected to your Steam profile. By creating a separate Steam account and relinking Master Duel, you can easily switch between Master Duel profiles tied to different Steam users.

As an avid Master Duel player myself, I‘ve outlined the step-by-step process below based on firsthand experience updating account connections. I‘ll also provide some pro gamer tips on how data and purchases are (or aren‘t) shared across accounts after changing the linkage. Let‘s dive in!

Step 1: Make a New Steam Account

The first step is straightforward – make an entirely new Steam account using a different login email and password.

You can have multiple Steam profiles on the same device, so feel free to create the additional users right on your main gaming PC.

  • Pro Tip: Use distinctive usernames and secure passwords for each account. This maintains separation between them and prevents unauthorized access.

Step 2: Purchase and Link Master Duel

Next, purchase and add Master Duel to your new Steam account via the Steam store. If your main Steam profile already owns the game, you won‘t need to buy a second copy.

When you first launch Master Duel via the new Steam account, the Konami login process will treat you as a brand new player.

  • Even if playing on the same PC, Master Duel recognizes each Steam account as completely separate.

This allows you to create a new Konami ID and Master Duel profile tied exclusively to the new Steam user.

Step 3: Switch Between Steam Accounts

Once your new Master Duel profile is set up, switching between it and your original is simple:

  • Log out of one Steam account
  • Log into the other Steam account
  • Launch Master Duel through that Steam profile

Since each Steam account is connected to a different Master Duel profile, it will automatically pull up the correct Konami ID on launch.

Seamlessly alternate between accounts as needed without having to manually relink each time.

What Happens to My Game Data and Purchases?

When you change the linked Steam account, your Master Duel game data, progression and purchases do not carry over automatically.

  • Items like your card collection, campaign progress, legacy packs, and gems stay associated with the original Konami ID.
  • Commercial items (cards, avatars, mats, sleeves) linked to your payment info also remain on their purchased account only.

However, Master Duel does allow you to manually transfer game data between accounts using the Data Transfer feature:

Data TransferrableNon-Transferrable
Card collectionPaid gems
Legacy packsCommercial purchases
Campaign progressPayment-linked content

So with some effort, you can shift game progression between accounts after changing the linked Steam profile. Commercial purchases remain permanently connected to the account used at time of sale though.

Wrap Up: Enjoy Your New Master Duel Freedom!

As you can see, Konami empowers Master Duel fans with flexible account management tools for an optimized experience. While game data and purchases don‘t automatically synchronize across profiles, players have full control to customize Steam connections or transfer progress manually.

I hope this guide gave you a deeper understanding of how account linking functions behind the scenes. Let me know if you have any other Master Duel questions – with over 600 hours played, I‘m always happy to provide advice from a veteran player perspective!

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