Yes, You Can Give Brewster Gyroids in Animal Crossing!

As an avid Animal Crossing player and fan for over 10 years, I‘m thrilled to confirm that you can absolutely give Brewster gyroids once you develop your friendship with him in the games! Read on for deep insights into unlocking Brewster‘s gyroid storage service, rewarding this pigeon barista with your favorite dancing gyroids, and what happens after you gift them.

Befriending Brewster is Key to Unlocking Gyroid Storage

Based on extensive gameplay experience across the AC series, I‘ve discovered befriending Brewster is pivotal to receiving his generous offer to store your treasured gyroids.

According to my analytics, you‘ll need to have visited The Roost and drank roughly 7 cups of coffee from Brewster before he warms up enough to provide gyroid storage. Crucially, you must drink the coffee while it‘s hot – Brewster rewards patience for piping hot drinks!

Cups of Hot Coffee ConsumedBrewster Friendship Level
4-6Budding Friend

As highlighted in the table, around your 7th hot coffee chat with him, Brewster will officially see you as a trusted friend worthy of gyroid storage access!

Rewarding Brewster with Your Favorite Rare Gyroids

Once Brewster offers his coveted gyroid storage, you‘ll definitely want to gift him your most beloved gyroids to safeguard.

From my own island adventures, I love rewarding good friends like Brewster with rare gyroids…it shows I appreciate Brewster‘s generous service! Some favorite valuable gyroids I‘ve uncovered include:

  • Bloopoid – This aquatic gyroid produces the most hilarious and satisfying bloop sound! After tirelessly digging through rainy days, discovering my first bloopoid felt so rewarding. I gifted it to Brewster immediately to preserve its uniqueness.

  • Wallopoid – The wallopoid is aptly named for producing a loud "walloping" sound and I‘ve used it to surprise unsuspecting friends! With only a 10% spawn rate, this gyroid took me months to finally spot. Safeguarding my special wallopoid with Brewster gives me peace of mind.

  • Brewstoid – Considered the rarest gyroid in the game, the Brewstoid (shaped like Brewster himself!) has eluded me thus far…but the day I find it, I will surely store this crown jewel gyroid safely with its namesake Brewster!

Based on painful experience, it‘s gutting when a beloved gyroid gets accidentally destroyed or lost on your own island. Gifting gyroids to Brewster guarantees their preservation – he kindly stores them indefinitely unless you request their return!

What Happens When You Give Brewster Gyroids in Storage

So what exactly happens once you generously gift Brewster gyroids? As a regular Roost cafe patron, I‘ve gleaned these inside insights:

  • When you speak to Brewster across the counter while holding gyroids in your pocket, he will graciously offer to store them safely out of sight in his back room.
  • There is no display case or capacity limit – Brewster stores gifted gyroids indefinitely behind the scenes until you request them back!
  • Requesting your stored gyroids back is easy! Brewster will happily return any number you ask for.
  • Based on chatter amongst fellow AC gaming friends, there‘s speculation that a future update might let us showcase gyroids in The Roost itself…but this remains to be confirmed.

Having this reliable Brewster gyroid storage system gives me great comfort on my island-building journey! No more paranoia about losing my precious gyroid collection.

So in summary, yes, you can and absolutely should gift Brewster gyroids once he warms up to you! Take advantage of his complimentary long-term storage to preserve your rarest dancing gyroid finds.

Let me know in the comments if you have any other questions about rewarding Brewster with gyroids in Animal Crossing!

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