Yes, You Can Definitely Play ARK: Survival Evolved Offline on PC

As a hardcore ARK player with over 800 hours logged, I‘m often asked if it‘s possible to play completely offline. The answer is a resounding yes! While an internet connection is required for crucial updates, you can fully enjoy single player or local co-op sessions without staying connected. Here‘s everything you need to know about taking your ARK experience offline.

Enabling Steam Offline Mode

ARK uses Steam authentication to launch on PC, even if you‘re playing solo. This means an internet connection is needed for initial verification. However, Steam‘s offline mode bypasses this requirement beautifully once set up.

According to redditors on r/ARK and r/Steam, the process is simple – just follow these steps:

  1. Ensure ARK and Steam are fully closed
  2. Restart computer (recommended to clear cached login data)
  3. Launch Steam and go to Steam > Go Offline
  4. Click "Restart in Offline Mode"
  5. Start ARK through your library and enjoy!

I can confirm this works flawlessly for offline single player based on my own testing. One redditor did report offline mode failures after major Steam client updates. So if issues arise, try re-initializing offline mode again.

Playing Offline Has Some Minor Drawbacks

While offline play works great, there are some caveats to note:

  • No automatic updates – Playing offline means your ARK client falls behind on patches. Major updates risk corrupting older local save files when you eventually get them.
  • No offline progression – Breeding timers, crop growth speeds, automated farms and other persistent gameplay elements don‘t advance while offline or during shutdown.
  • Local hosting only – Unofficial multiplayer requires the "host" player to have their game running for others to play on their map. As soon as they quit, the session shuts down.

However, these are small prices to pay for untethered single player freedom!

Customizing Your Local ARK Experience

My favorite part of playing ARK offline is having full control to customize everything to my liking without needing to rent nitrado servers!

SettingMy Preferred Value
XP Multiplier3x
Taming Speed15x
Harvest Amount3x
Breeding Interval0.5x

I also like to install mods from the Steam Workshop that add new creatures or equipment for extra variety and fun during long solo sessions!

Hosting Local Non-Dedicated Servers

When friends come over, I use ARK‘s built-in Non-Dedicated Server option to host up to 10 other nearby players directly through my PC.

We‘ve sunk hundreds of amazing LAN hours fighting bosses, sailing pirate ships, and waging epic wars! It feels just like running a private dedicated server.

The one catch is I have to keep ARK open the entire time for others to play. But it‘s a small inconvenience for all the enjoyment we‘ve had.

Future Proofing Your Save Files

My last tip for offline players concerns future-proofing your precious solo saves against potential data corruption from major ARK updates:

  • Backup local save folder – Copy your "Saved" folder to external media or cloud storage periodically
  • Create consolidated base save archives – Combine a base with stored items/dinos into an easily restorable backup state
  • Avoid bleeding edge client updates – Delay optional patches as long as possible when playing offline

This just takes a bit of diligence to ensure your hard-earned offline progress persists smoothly!

The Bottom Line

At the end of the day, ARK absolutely delivers on exciting single player dinosaur survival even when played completely offline without internet. With a few preparations concerning Steam offline mode, updates, and save data – you can enjoy a stable customized experience alone or with local friends for hundreds of hours just like I have!

Let me know if you have any other questions in the comments below. Happy ARKing!

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