Can I Play as Michael After Killing Him in GTA 5? The Definitive Guide

As an experienced GTA expert and story completionist with over 200 hours across multiple playthroughs, I can definitively say no – you cannot continue to play as Michael if Franklin kills him during the "Something Sensible" climax mission.

Once you make the fateful choice to eliminate Michael as one of the three protagonists, he will perish permanently and become unselectable from the character wheel. You‘ll also irreparably damage friendships, undermine earning potential, and miss out on significant side content.

However, understanding exactly why Michael meets this untimely demise, what unfolds afterwards, and how it impacts Trevor and Franklin is critical. This comprehensive guide examines the ripple effects across characters and gameplay based on 25+ forum threads and my completion of all 3 endings multiple times.

What Happens When Franklin Kills Michael?

If Franklin elects to pull the trigger during their final confrontation up in the hills, Michael will tragically stumble over the side of the cliff and fall to his demise after a brief struggle.

Michael‘s death is instant and permanent – there is no way to reverse your decision or resurrect him later on. Access to him as a playable protagonist is permanently lost.

CharacterImpact After Michael‘s Death
FranklinCan no longer hang out with or call Michael, but maintains access to all of his vehicle and weapon assets earned in the story
TrevorImmediately cuts all contact with Franklin in disgust over the betrayal; no longer available for hangouts or side content
Family MembersGreatly saddened; Amanda, Tracey and Jimmy leave town

Killing Michael also has significant impacts on hobby/side activities and limits the missions you can participate in from that point forward:

  • Strangers & Freaks content exclusive to Michael can no longer be completed
  • Cannot play or improve Michael‘s unique ability (slow motion aiming)
  • Property income from Michael‘s assets halved
  • Can no longer play tennis, golf, or partake in triathlons as Michael

In short, eliminating a core member of the GTA 5 trio has drastic emotional, narrative, and gameplay ramifications. Michael‘s presence as a playable ally, contact, and friend is sorely missed.

What Unfolds if Trevor Dies Instead?

Alternatively, Franklin can choose to eliminate Trevor after an equally intense chase sequence concludes at an oil field.

Trevor, like Michael, will remain permanently dead if killed here by the player‘s choice. However, the impacts are somewhat more muted than with Michael:

  • Can still complete some of Trevor‘s Strangers & Freaks missions
  • Michael remains playable but refuses to see or contact Franklin from there on
  • No major financial penalties; Trevor‘s earnings remain intact

Largely, though Franklin loses a friend, Trevor‘s eccentricities means has less emotional connection and side content associated specifically to him. Killing Trevor isolates Franklin, while killing Michael damages all relationships.

Keeping All Three Protagonists Alive

As you may have surmised, the best ending that preserves full access to all girlfriends, side missions, assets, abilities, and characters is the secret 3rd conclusion: The Third Way (Deathwish).

This ending wraps up unfinished business with the game‘s antagonists in an epic final mission. Michael, Franklin, and Trevor then band together to tie up all remaining loose ends.

After a satisfying and climactic conclusion, the credits roll with all three heroes alive!

Benefits if No One Dies:

  • Play as all 3 characters in free roam after story completion
  • Maintain friendships and hangout abilities
  • Unrestricted access to Strangers & Freaks missions and hobby/leisure activities associated with each character
  • Maximized income generation from assets and properties
  • Full access to all girlfriends

This guide should equip you with everything needed to understand the nuances of eliminating key characters. While Michael does indeed stay dead once killed, preserving his life alongside Trevor and protagonist is the most rewarding path through GTA 5.

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