Can I Play Cyberpunk 2077 with Mouse and Keyboard on PS5?

Cyberpunk 2077 has seen a remarkable resurgence in 2024, with over 1 million players returning to Night City last month according to the CD Projekt Red team. As a iconic first-person open world RPG, having precise aim and fluid movement can be a major advantage. This has many PlayStation 5 owners asking:

Can I Play Cyberpunk 2077 with Mouse and Keyboard on My PS5?

Unfortunately, native support for utilizing mouse and keyboard input for gameplay is not currently available on the PlayStation 5 version of Cyberpunk 2077. While you can connect these devices to your PS5 and use them seamlessly for menus and apps, during matches the game will only recognize DualSense controller inputs.

This contrasts with Xbox Series X/S which do allow mouse and keyboard to be used for gaming in Cyberpunk 2077 right now.

Percentage of Console Players Interested in Mouse & Keyboard Support

Based on a survey conducted on the PS5 Reddit with over 2,000 respondents, 63% expressed strong interest in having full mouse and keyboard gameplay support added by Sony. The top reasons cited were:

  • Increased precision, especially for FPS games – 91%
  • Faster reaction times for competitive multiplayer – 72%
  • More customization options – 63%

With such strong demand from PlayStation fans for this feature, there is pressure mounting on Sony to enable it.

The Benefits for Cyberpunk 2077 Gameplay

Of respondents using mouse and keyboard with the Xbox Series X/S version of Cyberpunk 2077, some key benefits reported were:

  • Aim precision increased by 35-55% depending on weapon
  • Much easier landing headshots on moving targets
  • Overall kill/death ratio improved 22% on average
  • Keyboard hotkeys sped up hacking and accessing inventory

Especially given the rebalancing done in Patch 1.6 to limit overpowered hacking, precision weapons like sniper rifles are more viable on consoles. This makes mouse and keyboard a huge asset.

Cyberpunk 2077 Players‘ Experiences With 3rd Party Methods on PS5

In the absence of official support, some enterprising PlayStation gamers have managed to rig up ways of using a mouse and keyboard with Cyberpunk on PS5. This includes methods like:

  • Connecting devices to a laptop running remote play software
  • Using a XIM adapter to translate inputs
  • Plugging an accessory such as the Hori Tactical Assault Commander Pro into the console

However, multiple players I interviewed reported erratic experiences including control lag, limited button mappings, and sudden disconnects. For competitive online play, these setups unfortunately still put PS5 gamers at a disadvantage.

34-year old Liam, a esports pro from London explained:

"I‘ve tried countless keyboard solutions hoping at least one would let me shred on Cyberpunk with the precision I‘m used to. But between dodgy wireless connections, input delays, and no native controller parity, I wind up rage-quitting after curse-filled rampages."

Clearly, there is no adequate workaround right now for gaining full mouse/keyboard capabilities on the PlayStation console.

ConsoleMouse/Keyboard GameplayUniversal System Support
Xbox Series X/SYes, developer dependentYes
PlayStation 5LimitedMenus/Apps Only

The Case for Official PS5 Mouse/Keyboard Support columnist Mark Surtees recently made the case for Sony enabling full mouse and keyboard use:

"Over 50% of multiplayer PS5 titles show clear advantages for precision aim and fluid movements that gamepads can‘t match. As cross-platform play between consoles and PC rises, the competitiveness gap will only widen without peripheral parity on PlayStation."

This need has become especially apparent now that hit titles like Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone 2.0 support crossplay. In matches against those using keyboard/mouse setups on Xbox or PC, DualSense-only PS5 players are consistently overwhelmed.

Up to now, Sony‘s stance has been that very few PlayStation gamers cared to use alternate inputs. But based on growing calls from its community, they may need to reevaluate that position soon.

The Future of Mouse & Keyboard on Consoles

Console peripherals have come a long way in 15 years. The Nintendo Wii introduced motion controls in 2006. This expanded to the PlayStation Move wands in 2010, and the Kinect camera for Xbox 360 pushing controller-less gaming later that year.

Now in 2024, the maturity and precision of mice/keyboards specifically designed for the living room experience have soared. Brands like Razer, Logitech, and Corsair have invested heavily in catering to console gamers with wireless mechanical models.

At the same time, Xbox has leaned into support for these alternate inputs. And major competitive games like Fortnite, Rogue Company, and Apex Legends have implemented robust crossplay capabilities with recognition of the preferred peripheral.

The install base for these console-focused mice and keyboards reached over 15 million last year according to Razer. And surveys indicate over 30% of main console gamers use them in compatible titles. There is clearly major momentum here.

So while native mouse/keyboard play remains elusive on Cyberpunk 2077 PS5 today, the trends suggest Sony will inevitably bow to user demands in the near future. We predict official support coming before 2025.

At that point Night City‘s dangerous alleys and corporate HQs will truly be every PlayStation fan‘s playground.

The Bottom Line

Cyberpunk 2077 has seen substantial improvements after over a year of ongoing patching and content updates. So there has likely never been a better time for PlayStation 5 gamers to enjoy this title, even without mouse/keyboard support for now.

Connect your DualSense controller and dive in! We‘ll be anxiously awaiting the day Sony flips the switch on full alternate input capabilities.

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