To Get The Full Destiny Experience, PS Plus is a Must

As a Destiny veteran with over 2000 hours sunk into the addictive looter shooter since the D1 days, I‘m often asked by kinderguardians: "Do I really need PS Plus for Destiny 2?"

My unequivocal answer is yes, a PS Plus subscription unlocks the true endgame experience at the heart of what makes Destiny great.

Sure, you can play Destiny 2 without PS Plus. But you‘ll be limited to only 30% of the game‘s best content. As a free guardian, you‘ll be stuck grinding basic strikes and public events rather than rallying a fireteam to take on raid bosses, conquer legendary lost sectors, battle in the Crucible, and more.

Let‘s breakdown exactly what activities you can and can‘t access with and without PlayStation Plus:

Plenty of Solo Content – But Lacking Replay Value

As a new light player in Destiny 2 without PS Plus, you aren‘t completely without options. All guardians can access:

  • New Light intro campaign
  • Seven explorable destinations and patrols
  • Three playlist strikes
  • Exotic weapon quests
  • Public events and lost sectors
  • Seasonal artifact progression

Based on my own analysis, I estimate over 60 hours of potential solo gameplay is available without PS Plus. So it‘s far from a content-light demo.

However, repeating general PvE activities lacks long term appeal and challenge. Without a fireteam at your back, strikes become a monotonous grind. And while lost sectors offer replayability, they grow stale after the 100th clear.

Personally, after blitzing through the starter campaigns and checking off every destination, the Destiny experience felt empty without PS Plus. The satisfying progression and camaraderie was missing – replaced by lifeless repetition best described as a "single-player MMO".

The True Endgame is Locked Behind PS Plus

While PS Plus isn‘t needed to dip your toes into Destiny, nearly all pinnacle activities require a subscription, including:

  • Nightfall strikes
  • Vault of Glass and King‘s Fall raids
  • Master Ketchcrash and Duality
  • All PvP modes
  • Season of Plunder pirate hideouts

I cannot stress enough how much better Destiny is with friends. Strategizing to take down raid bosses like Rhulk is exhilarating. Competing against others in Crucible tests your limits. And the satisfying team coordination of Grandmaster Nightfalls offers the ultimate challenge.

Just look at the numbers. On average, over 65% of active players engage in these online activities daily. Yet as a solo player, they remain inaccessible behind the PS Plus paywall.

The unfortunate reality is Destiny‘s stellar endgame caters to fireteams first. And LFG groups won‘t welcome a guardian lacking essential mods and gear from seasonal content. PS Plus is non-negotiable for progression.

Value Beyond Destiny – Games, Storage and More

One counterargument I hear is: "I only play Destiny, so PS Plus is useless for me". While it definitely enhances Destiny, a subscription offers various other perks.

Each month, members receive an instant game collection valued around $40 – $50 on average. Over the last year, I‘ve discovered gems like Hollow Knight and Celeste through this program. Even if you don‘t play them, these games remain in your library forever.

PlayStation also grants Plus subscribers special discounts up to 60% off top titles. I saved almost $100 thanks to flash sales like the recent holiday promotion.

You also get 100GB cloud storage for backing up precious guardian progress and settings. After losing 150 hours of playtime due to a corrupt save file, I now swear by this feature.

Adding up all the benefits, the yearly $60 PS Plus subscription pays for itself in value. Considering Destiny‘s expansions cost upwards of $40 each, it‘s worth investing in.

It‘s Not "Enough" Content Without The Online Experience

Some players argue the available solo content is "enough" to enjoy, dismissing the need for PS Plus. I wholeheartedly disagree.

Attempting to play Destiny mostly solo leads to a shallow, watered-down experience compared to what Bungie intends. As I mentioned before, progression stagnates and repetitive boredom sets in fast.

Let‘s also consider player retention. According to Destiny Tracker population metrics, over 50% of new light players drop off after only 12 hours – never to pick up the game again.

This isn‘t surprising. Without a community to welcome you in, Destiny feels isolated as a solely single-player game. PlayStation Plus opens up that social ecosystem crucial to immersion and long term enjoyment.

Trying Destiny‘s Best Expansion For Free

If somehow I haven‘t convinced you yet, Bungie presents a perfect opportunity to experience Destiny‘s excellence firsthand.

Until February 26th, all guardians can enjoy the critically acclaimed Witch Queen expansion entirely for free – no strings attached. This offers a generous slice including the Savathûn‘s Throne World destination, craftable weapons, and half the campaign.

From my initial playthrough, Witch Queen‘s opening genuinely rivals Forsaken‘s emotional gut punch. The refreshed Hive powers add a challenging dynamic to combat. And weapon crafting reduces grind in favor of meaningful god roll chasing.

My prediction is Bungie leaves players hanging with a tantalizing cliffhanger midpoint through the story. Hooked guardians must then purchase the full $40 expansion to see the saga through and access the legendary Vow of the Disciple raid.

Regardless, all players shouldn‘t miss this chance to experience Destiny at its very best for zero cost. Let it whet your appetite for what you‘ve been missing without PS Plus!

Solo Play Isn‘t What Makes Destiny Shine

As I initially stated, PlayStation Plus is essential to experience everything that makes Destiny such an addictive, fulfilling and fun social shooter.

The free portion alone makes for an empty, isolated shell of an experience compared to uniting with friends to conquer raid bosses, competing in Trials of Osiris, and showing off sweet loot.

My advice for any kinderguardians entering the world of Destiny is to embrace the community Bungie fosters. Join a clan. Hop into team chat. Make friends. But most importantly, invest into PS Plus so you can fighting alongside fellow guardians – the way Destiny is meant to be played.

Whether we wanted it or not, subscription services have entered our wallets. For Destiny 2, embrace this reality, as PS Plus enables the definitive version of this looter shooter great.

What destiny awaits your guardian? I offer my final verdict: the one filled with legendary gear and exploits side by side with your fireteam. But you‘ll need PlayStation Plus to meet that fate. So I implore all guardians to rally under its banner. Eyes up! This is the way.

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