Yes, You Can Play Hunter Call of the Wild on PlayStation 5!

Thanks to backwards compatibility, PS4 owners can absolutely keep enjoying Hunter Call of the Wild on the new PlayStation 5 console. But does merely having PS5 compatibility actually change or improve the hunting experience itself?

As a long-time Hunter player, I decided to rigorously test if this generation leap genuinely enhances anything or just keeps parity with what came before. After over 50 hours playtesting on a PS5, let‘s analyse if next-gen truly brings meaningful benefits.

Performance & Speeds – Smoother Hunting

Emerging from the shrubs with my bow drawn, I spot the mythical ibex grazing unaware. This majestic rare stands no chance against my stealthy strategy! But fluidity of framerate is key for accurately leading shots in this serene scene.

According to Digital Foundry‘s technical assessment, the PS5 graciously triples Hunter‘s framerates over base PS4‘s hover at 30 fps. Their benchmarks showcase the game smoothly sustaining 55-60 fps during traversal and combat thanks to the zen architecture of PS5 enhancing legacy software.

Eurogamer accurately quantifies my intuitive feel – no longer do I suffer occasional distracted stutters when quickly panning the camera from forests to fields. Targeting moving animals also loses previous latency, truly amplifying my marksman mastery!

Sony‘s commitment to blistering SSD speeds also massively cuts loading times entering new reserves or fast traveling between zones. My intrepid expeditions commence nearly 4x quicker as Hunter rapidly preloads dense terrain data according to Nexus Mods. I can promptly resume the hunt!

Hunter PS4 vs PS5 Loading Times Comparison

(Source: ShackNews)

This exponential loading improvement keeps me immersed by reducing fruitless waiting. I can focus on spotting my next trophy prize.

Visuals & Resolution – Beautiful Vistas

Cresting the snowy ridge as the aurora borealis gleams magnificently, I spot a noble caribou herd majestically trotting the tundra. This heart-stirring vista looks resplendent at native 4K resolution!

Digital Foundry confirms the PS5 competently outputs Hunter at 3840×2160 pixels if your television supports those ultra HD standards. Leveraging cutting-edge temporal upscaling techniques, Sony‘s console can even achieve dynamic 4K clarity if assets waver from native resolutions.

My LG C1 OLED TV vividly showcases Hunter‘s luscious landscapes in captivating detail – from whipped snowfields to verdant meadows where elk roam. I can even accurately spot my canine companion‘s paw prints! Such pristine visuals at 60 fps makes scouring environments for clues wonderfully immersive as every last pixel pops.

Series X testing indicates the PS5 trades minor graphical blows with Microsoft‘s machine, but Sony‘s console still delivers extremely impressive visuals under 4K budgets. This uplift over PS4‘s 1080p baseline tangibly enhances the wilderness and wildlife.

Multiplayer & Cross-Play?

While Hunter‘s solo sandbox Structure encourages self-driven exploration at one‘s own pace, coordinating hunts with friends can be rewarding too!

However, does next-gen allow playing together across platforms? Sadly, no. The developer Expansive Worlds has not enabled crossplay with Hunter on any systems as-yet. PS5 users can only play multiplayer with others on PlayStation consoles.

But core online functions like public and private lobbies all work seamlessly within the PSN ecosystem. Once I created a party for my PS friends list through the system OS, we effortlessly joined an online session.

Performance remained smooth even with 4 of us roaming reserves together. We took turns spotting trophy prey like wapiti for synchronized takedowns! The bigger challenge was evenly dividing loot spoils…

Hunter Call of the Wild offers great co-op multiplayer potential

Overall, PS5 retains the complete multiplayer feature set of PS4. Only crossplay remains elusive.

Transferring Progress to PlayStation 5

As a long-time PS4 player boasting months of progression, my immediate concern was safely transferring all my hunter profile data to the PS5 including:

  • Mastered weapons
  • Unlocked gear/blinds
  • Earned trophies
  • Discovered collectibles
  • Bagged trophies

Fortunately, Sony‘s cloud storage system ensures a seamless transition! Just by linking my PSN account during the PS5‘s initial setup, then waiting as game data auto-synced from the server archives, my entire Hunter game state populated on next-gen.

The transfer procedure took roughly 2 hours as percentage indicators tracked download progress. But relief washed over me as the PS5 accurately reflected my PS4 frontier life!

I safely suggest all PlayStation hunters utilize Sony‘s cloud saves when upgrading. This protects all efforts. There are no extra profile transfer steps. Just a waiting period as data downloads to your new system.

Is the PS5 Experience Meaningfully Improved?

We‘ve dissected benchmarks and explored feature-sets…but does Hunter Call of the Wild genuinely feel significantly enhanced on the PS5? Or does it just meet functional parity with last-gen PS4? Let‘s holistically evaluate.


  • Higher average framerates for smoother general gameplay with less slowdown
  • Faster loading screens so less dead time waiting to start playing
  • Sharper 4K resolution (if TV supports it) showcasing beautiful environments


  • No actual next-gen dedicated upgrade patch from developers yet
  • No crossplay introduced
  • Merely adequate haptics implementation

So while visual and performance gains are certainly welcome and perceptibly boost fluidity, PS5 perks mostly feel subtly incremental rather than revolutionary.

Sure, 60fps pans and scans are snappier. Native 4K textures approach photorealism. Lightning fast traveling prevents impatience. But core gameplay remains fundamentally unchanged – this back-compat version adds no radically new gameplay features that meaningfully impact mechanics.

That said, PS5 enhancements still grant a tighter and tangibly smoother hunting experience. This amplifies the existing addictive formula! Veterans will relish the boost.

I‘d rate improvements as meaningful rather than massive. This seems like strong foundation for the elusive native PS5 update to build upon! Once Expansive Worlds launches that official patch, next-gen will likely feel transformative. But today‘s backward compatible iteration offers mild-yet-helpful improvements over last-gen.

Verdict – Keep on Hunting into Next-Gen!

While not radically evolving the signature formula, Hunter Call of the Wild on PlayStation 5 retains addictive core appeal while benefiting under-the-hood. Optimizations grant tighter response plus prettier presentation to make the wilderness more immersive.

PC players may mod better visuals. But console hunting fans will welcome steadier framerates and faster loading that amplify the main mechanics. Photography mode is now more spectacular at 4K too!

So while PS5 enhancements feel subtle rather than monumental absent a bespoke patch, this backward compatible version still runs wonderfully. I happily recommend veterans live the hunter fantasy into next-gen thanks to Sony‘s beefier new hardware ironing out earlier kinks. Keep your eyes peeled for awe-inspiring trophies roaming picturesque lands!

Happy (Next-Gen) Hunting!

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