Can I Play Old Seasons in Destiny 2 in 2024?

As a dedicated Destiny 2 player and guide writer, I get this question a lot from new and returning players alike. So let me clearly state upfront – only the current season‘s content is available to play in Destiny 2. All previous seasons‘ activities, quests, vendors, and loot have entered the infamous Destiny Content Vault (DCV).

What is the Destiny Content Vault?

The DCV is essentially Bungie‘s unique version of content sunsetting. It allows them to cycle older Destiny content in and out of the main game. As of 2023 over half of Destiny 1 and 2‘s content resides in the Vault!

Currently Vaulted

  • 7 Destiny 2 destinations
  • 18 raids
  • 10 dungeons
  • 36+ exotic weapons/armor

Benefits: Keeps game file size manageable, allows refreshed content

Drawbacks: FOMO for players, removes story threads

I‘ve played MMOs for years and have to admire the pragmatism of Bungie‘s DCV approach compared to outright Removing old expansions. There is a chance for nostalgic reprisals!

Can Past Expansions Still Be Played?

Absolutely! While entire seasons enter the vault, players that own past expansions can still enjoy that content:

Available Expansions

ExpansionRelease DateCampaign HoursDestinations
ForsakenSept 20188 hoursTangled Shore (Vaulted Feb 2022)
ShadowkeepOct 20196 hoursMoon
Beyond LightNov 20206 hoursEuropa

I highly recommend new players buy Beyond Light or the latest expansion since seasonal content is temporary. But purchasing an older expansion gives you exciting campaign quests and destinations to explore!

FOMO and Returning Player Advice

Seasonal content now disappears forever when the season ends. This can produce FOMO – "fear of missing out" if you don‘t log in and play every season. My advice is to not stress it – enjoy the game at your own pace.

For returning players, focus on newest expansion content. Then if desired buy an older expansion like Shadowkeep for even more story missions and exotics to chase!

Will old content ever return from the vault? Nothing is guaranteed but Bungie has indicated we may see "reprised" Destiny 1 or 2 activities emerge for special events. Fingers crossed for a refreshed King‘s Fall or Wrath of the Machine raid!

Current Content and Future Speculation

2022‘s Witch Queen expansion was hugely popular – I highly recommend playing its campaign and weapon crafting systems. The current Season of Defiance features the return of Rasputin as an Exo. And next month sees the release of Lightfall featuring the iconic Neomuna location.

The future looks bright for Destiny 2. And while vaulted content is inaccessible for now, Bungie‘s innovative DCV system allows beloved old bits to be temporarily retired rather than permanently cut. For now enjoy the massive amount of campaigns, quests, and loot still available throughout Destiny 2‘s lifespan! Eyes up, Guardians.

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