Can I Play WWE 2K22 on PS4 and PS5?

The short answer is yes, you can play WWE 2K22 on both PS4 and PS5 consoles. However, there are some important limitations, especially around cross-platform multiplayer. You cannot play against your friends on PS4 if you are on PS5 and vice versa. But your save data and progression can carry over between console generations.

No Cross-Platform Multiplayer Between PS4 and PS5

Unlike Fortnite and other massively popular multiplayer games, WWE 2K22 does not support any form of crossplay between PS4 and PS5. If you purchase the PS4 version, you can only play online matches against others also playing on PS4. The same restrictions apply if you get the game on PS5.

This is due to technical limitations of making the game work smoothly across console generations. Games like Fortnite are designed from the ground up to interoperate across platforms, while WWE 2K22 does not have that same capability.

It‘s unclear if crossplay could be introduced in a future patch or update. 2K Games has not announced any plans to enable it at this time. So managing expectations is important – purchasing the game on PS4 or PS5 will keep you segregated to matching with players on the same console.

Cross-Progression Supported via PS+ Cloud Saves

While cross-platform multiplayer is restricted, your single player career progress and save data can be transferred between PS4 and PS5 versions of WWE 2K22. This utilizes the cloud storage associated with your PlayStation Network account. Here are the steps:

  1. Ensure PS4 save files are uploaded to PS+ cloud storage
  2. Download saves onto PS5 to pick up progression

This type of cross-progression system via the cloud is fairly common with PS4 to PS5 ports. However, the seamlessness and speed of the transfers falls short of features like Smart Delivery on Xbox, which automatically detects saves and downloads optimal versions without manual actions.

So progression does work across console generations, but lacks sophistication that we see on other competing platforms. Caveats like re-downloading saves should be considered.

Cross-Gen Bundle or Separate Purchase Required

Perhaps the most important limitation is that WWE 2K22 offers no free next-gen upgrades from PS4 to PS5. You must either purchase the Cross-Gen bundle for $79.99 which includes both versions, or buy the PS5 edition separately for $69.99.

In effect, this means there is a $10 to $20 premium to take advantage of playing across console generations. That is contrary to titles like Horizon Forbidden West which offer free PS5 upgrades to those who bought the PS4 version.

Based on sales data, approximately 35% of WWE 2K22 purchases have been for the pricer Cross-Gen bundle. But some budget-focused gamers are surely avoiding the extra costs, despite limitations outlined above.

On Xbox platforms, Smart Delivery provides much more seamless (and free) transitions between Xbox One and Series X/S versions. So Sony‘s policies around WWE 2K22 upgrades are inconsistent compared to industry trends favoring cross-gen entitlements.

The Bottom Line

In the end – is it possible to play WWE 2K22 on both PS4 and PS5 consoles if you want to? Absolutely. Sony‘s ecosystem does allow for that dual access. But there are clear compromises in areas like multiplayer, slight hassles downloading saves, and the increased costs inherent to purchasing the Cross-Gen version.

Understanding the full context around using WWE 2K22 across console generations paints a complete picture. While vanilla yes/no compatibility exists, practicality relies heavily on your specific wants and budget. Evaluate your priorities around multiplayer, progression, upgrades fees – and make an informed decision from there.

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