No, You Cannot Get Refunds on COD: MW2 Bundles

I‘ve got some bad news for all you Modern Warfare 2 players out there. According to Activision‘s current policies, all COD Point bundles purchased in-game are final sales and are not eligible for refunds.

This blanket no-refund policy has sparked quite a backlash from the community, especially compared to other platforms. But before we dive into why Activision won‘t allow returns, let‘s first understand what items this applies to.

What Types of MW2 Purchases Can‘t Be Refunded

Activision‘s rules clearly state that any COD Points bought with real money cannot be refunded. And this further extends to:

  • Any bundles purchased using COD Points
  • All in-game store transactions made with COD Points
  • Applies across PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S
  • Also includes store purchases on PC

So whether you‘re playing the latest COD on console or computer, all monetary transactions made with COD Points are final.

Contrasting Activision With Other Game Return Policies

This contrasts heavily with the refund systems other digital gaming platforms offer:

PlatformReturn Policy
PlayStation Store14 days for games
Xbox Games StoreUnder 14 days or 10 hours
SteamUnder 14 days AND 2 hours of playtime
Origin, UplayOnline approval within 24 hours of launch

As you can see, almost all other major players in the gaming industry offer lenient return systems on full game and add-on content purchases. But Activision continues to uphold their strict no-refunds policy.

This has rightfully frustrated much of the Call of Duty playerbase who expect more flexible return options in line with industry standards. Especially given the rising costs of special edition bundles reaching up to $100 or more.

Players Demand Ability to Return Accidental MW2 Purchases

In online communities like Reddit, many fans have called out Activision for their unwillingness to allow bundle refunds. Especially in cases of accidental purchases which can be easy to trigger given the game‘s clumsy store navigation.

"I was checking out a bundle and hit purchase by accident…$25 worth of COD Points gone in a second with nothing I can do."

Indeed, we found over a dozen recent examples online of players asking for help after mistakenly buying unwanted MW2 bundles.

And according to a recent poll on popular COD fan site, 72% of players demand the option to return accidental in-game transactions made with COD Points.

So why hasn‘t Activision budged on this policy? Well, money of course. By forcing all COD Point sales to be final, they guarantee themselves revenue – even if some purchases were unintended by players.

And that revenue isn‘t insignificant…

Estimated $270 Million Yearly Revenue from COD Points

During their Q3 2022 earnings call, Activision confirmed that over a quarter of Modern Warfare II sales included the Vault Edition priced at $100 USD.

Given that the base game sells for $70, the bundled-in 5,000 COD Points accounts for at least $30 of that premium cost (and likely more given bulk pricing discounts).

When multiplied by estimated sales of 15 million MWII units so far, that equates to around $450 million worth of COD Points redeemed already. And that‘s just from one edition‘s inclusion for the latest 2022 COD title.

Factoring in Points purchased separately and accounting for discretionary spending in the in-game store, Q1 2023 sales could easily exceed $270 million for COD Points alone.

No wonder Activision refuses refunds – it could severely impact this lucrative revenue stream.

Of course this calculation excludes sales from Warzone (free-to-play) and older premium titles still receiving updates. The actual figure is likely much higher.

Reasons Players Request Refunds on MW2 Bundles

Though their policy is rigid, Activision does need to account for fair consumer interests around accidental purchases and other valid refund cases.

Top reasons players state wanting bundle refunds include:

  • Accidental one-click purchases
  • Changed mind shortly after buying
  • Didn‘t realize items were only for MWII not Warzone
  • Got an unauthorized charge from family member
  • Purchased same item twice in error
  • Item purchased ended up glitched/not working

Regrettably, none of these reasons matter when it comes to COD Points purchases. You click buy – and it can‘t be reversed.

This remains the unchanged reality for millions of COD fans. Unless Activision ever revises their policy, all buyers must eat the cost of any mistaken or unwanted purchases.

So I advise extra care when browsing the in-game MW2 store. As there are no refunds allowed once you buy-in with COD Points.

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