Can I Run a Modded Minecraft Server and Client on the Same Computer?

As an avid Minecraft gamer and server administrator with over 5 years of experience running modded servers, I get asked this question a lot. So let‘s dig into the details!

The Short Answer:

Yes, you absolutely can host a modded Minecraft server and play on it from the same computer. However, performance will suffer unless you have a high-end machine, optimized network and software settings, and reasonable expectations. For the best results, separate machines are still highly recommended.

Hardware Considerations

Running an intensive modpack with multiple concurrent players requires some serious hardware, even without adding the client load. From my testing, here is what I would suggest at a minimum:

ComponentRecommended Spec
CPU4+ core (Intel i7 / AMD Ryzen 7)
GPUDedicated (6GB+ VRAM)
StorageSSD (500GB+)

Upgrading your RAM and adding a solid state drive will provide the biggest performance improvements. As an example, my modded server with 8 chunk rendering and 12 players online utilizes over 10GB of RAM alone.

Network Tweaks

To reduce latency, always use a wired Ethernet connection rather than WiFi for hosting game servers. Configure your router to forward the default Minecraft ports (25565 TCP/UDP) to your device. Enabling QoS prioritization for the hosting computer can also help minimize connection lag while gaming.

I like to allocate at least 30Mbps down/5Mbps up for smooth gameplay. Remember to factor other household activities using your connection at peak times.

Optimizing Configs

Adjust your server configs and JVM arguments to squeeze more out of your system:

  • Allocate 85% of total RAM to Java
  • Limit render distance to 8 chunks max

  • Disable unnecessary feature configs

  • Increase file IO timeouts to reduce world save lag

  • Enable regular restarts and entity clearing

There are also great performance enhancing mods like AI Improvements, BetterFps, FoamFix, and Surge. Test them out!

The Verdict

If you have the right hardware and optimize correctly, running a smaller modpack server + client is definitely possible on one computer. For heavier modpacks, however, performance will quickly deteriorate as player counts and exploring increases.

In my experience, hosting game servers on separate machines ultimately provides the most consistent and reliable experience. But experimenting on your gaming PC can still be a fun endeavor!

Let me know if you have any other questions!

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