Can I Sell my Agency in GTA Online?

As an avid GTA fan eager to help fellow players master the criminal riches of Los Santos, one of the most common questions I‘ve been asked since the Contract DLC‘s release is: "Can I sell my agency once I buy it?"

So let‘s kick things off with a clear answer…

No – there is currently no way to directly sell or get a refund on your purchased agency in GTA Online.

Once you purchase any business property, it remains under your ownership permanently. However, you can trade your existing agency for a newer one and get a partial trade-in credit based on its initial price.

This means that while you can‘t straight-up sell the agency back to the game, you do have options if say, you want to move to a better location.

Now, onto why you‘d actually want to hold onto your agency instead of selling it!

Just How Profitable is the New Agency Anyway?

Really, the main thing veteran and rookie players alike want to know is – just how much GTA$ can this new agency make me on a regular basis?

I‘ll break down the exact income potential across all available revenue streams:

Daily Income – Up to $20K

  • Varies based on # of security contracts completed
  • At 200 contracts – $20K gross income per GTA day

Security Contracts – Up to $60K Each

  • 34 possible contracts with increasing payouts
  • Average ~$30K per contract
  • $60K max payout

Agency Safe – Caps at $250K

  • Accrues cash over time when playing
  • Empty periodically to bank GTA$

Payphone Hits – $15K per Hit

  • Request hits and elimnate targets
  • No limit, can grind continuously

In Total: $300K+ per Hour

So by investing some dedicated hours into building agency ops via Franklin‘s guidance, you can rake in serious GTA dollars in fairly quick and fun fashion. All with the enhanced production values and stellar voice acting fans have come to expect from the epic GTA singleplayer storylines.

Ultimately, the agency provides that perfect blend of action-packed gameplay mixed with almost unrivaled money-making potential.

Now, let‘s explore which agency location serves players best…

Agency Locale Showdown: Hawick vs Little Seoul vs Rockford Hills

When setting up your agency, Los Santos offers 3 purchaseable locales:

  • Hawick – $2,830,000
  • Rockford Hills – $2,410,000
  • Little Seoul – $2,010,000

At first glance, many players instantly flock to Little Seoul for the obvious reason – it‘s the cheapest!

However, agency experts largely consider the Hawick location as the premiere spot – and for good reason:

Hawick Agency Quick Facts

  • Highest end neighborhood
  • Close proximity to Diamond Casino
  • Near top-tier player apartments
  • Centralized map location

Based on player data analysis across forums and communities like GTAForums, Hawick remains the runaway agency favorite for optimal access, convenience, and pure luxury vibes.

Now yes, the over $800K price gap between Hawick and Little Seoul is sizable – but remember, we‘re talking millions in earnable income!

For players flush with cash, Hawick simply offers that perfect blend of form and function.

However, Rockford Hills remains a nice middle ground striking the balance of affordability and location.

Ultimately, agency locale comes down to personal preference and in-game wealth. Functionality remains identical across all options!

Getting Started: What to Focus on with Upgrading Your Agency

Once you complete the initial story-based setup missions after purchasing your agency, you‘ll gain access to the following key upgrades:

Weapons Workshop – $345,000

  • Access stockpiled weapons onsite
  • Convenient for equip loadouts

Vehicle Workshop – $795,000

  • Mod personal vehicles
  • Add armor, weapons, cosmetics
  • Customize new tuner cars!

These two workshops should be first priorities, allowing you to tool up for security contracts and take full advantage of one of GTA Online‘s premiere new tuner garages!

Top Priority Goals After Agency Setup

  • Launch security contracts from your office computer
  • Build safe cash reserves
  • Purchase weapons and vehicle workshops
  • Answer payphone hit requests

Check your wall safe daily and complete objectives like payphone hits that pay out solid GTA$ rewards.

Soon enough you‘ll have the agency tuned just the way you like it – raking in major passive income alongside active mission payouts!

So in closing fellow GTA fans – hopefully this breakdown gave you lots of helpful tips and motivation to make the most of your agency purchase!

Remember, while selling the agency isn‘t possible – its income potential more than justifies the multi-million GTA$ investment. Especially if you select the premier Hawick locale and invest back into essential upgrades.

Now get out there and continue building your criminal empire with trusted allies Franklin and Chop! This is just the beginning…

Let me know if you have any other agency questions in the comments!

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