Yes, you can sell your Destiny 2 account

As a long-time Destiny player and content creator, I‘ve had many questions come my way around selling Destiny accounts. In this 2300+ word guide, I‘ll cover everything you need to know before listing your account for sale.

Is It Legal To Sell Your Destiny 2 Account?

The short answer – yes, selling Destiny 2 accounts is allowed but comes with risks.

Bungie‘s Own Terms of Service (TOS) do not outright prohibit players from buying, selling or trading accounts. Many other game publishers explicitly forbid account selling. Bungie takes a more hands-off approach but also provides no official player support or protection for account transactions.

However, participants shoulder full responsibility and assume all risks involved. Let‘s discuss why:

Account Ownership and Security Hazards

Per Bungie’s TOS, players have "no ownership or other property interest in any Accounts". Even if you created the account, Bungie still retains full oversight.

This means sold accounts can potentially be recovered by the original owner if they submit account recovery tickets with enough identifying details. Or in cases of disputes, Bungie support may freeze accounts until matters get resolved.

Security Risks When Selling AccountsPrecautions To Take
Original Owner Recovers AccountFully unlink account from platforms like Steam or Change password, email and personal details.
Saved Payment Info Being AbusedRemove all saved payment methods before transferring accounts.
Being Scammed as Buyer or SellerOnly use secure payment platforms with fraud protection. Validate accounts before payment.

So in summary – sellers can list and buyers can purchase Destiny 2 accounts legally. But conducting transactions carries inherent risks without official accountability or support frameworks in place.

Participants are responsible for building enough trust and protection amongst themselves.

How To Prepare Your Account For Sale Securely

As the seller, undertaking due security precautions is crucial before listing your Destiny 2 account. Follow this checklist:

Fully Unlink The Account From All External Platforms

  • Unlink your account from platforms like PlayStation, Xbox, Steam, Stadia or
  • Without unlinking, buyers may not be able to login into the account from their consoles

Change Key Account Credentials

  • Update password and email to revoke access from original owner
  • Remove all saved payment methods to avoid potential unauthorized charges
  • Update account username if you wish to further anonymize

Secure The Transaction

  • Only accept secure payment methods with fraud protection like PayPal Goods & Services
  • Provide buyer temporary login to validate account ownership before receiving payment
  • Avoid risky payment platforms like wire transfers, cash apps or crypto

Undertaking these best practices minimizes the risk on both buyer and seller sides.

How Much Are Destiny 2 Accounts Worth?

Valuing Destiny accounts involves assessing multiple factors:

Account Progression Tiers

Accounts are segmented into tiers based on progression benchmarks. Pricing scales up accordingly:

Progression TierLight LevelAverage Sale Value
StarterUp to 1300$15 to $99
Intermediate1300 to 1500+$100 to $249
End Game1550+ (Hard Cap)$250 to $499
Flawless/TitlesMax Triumphs$500+

Guardian Roster Power

  • Accounts with multiple characters with 1550+ gear score fetch higher valuations
  • Flawless Trials or Raid titles also boost account price

Collectibles & Cosmetics

Rare items like Older Seasonal Ornaments, Unobtainable Shaders/Emblems or Eververse Sets add to the account‘s allure and value.

When bundled together, accounts listed for sale can range from $15 for starter accounts up to $1500+ for investment accounts with rare items.

Of course, pricing also depends on supply-demand dynamics in the unofficial account marketplaces.

Ethics of Account Selling &Community Impacts

Destiny 2 account trading sits in a gray area within community standards. Some key discussion points on the practices:

Pay-To-Win Concerns

Selling pre-leveled accounts to new players looking to bypass early progression violates the spirit of fair play principles in Destiny 2 community norms.

Account Pilfering Risks

High-value accounts also run the risk of being compromised via account recovery attempts.

Objective Perspectives

However, account selling also enables player choice by letting them freely exchange access to their game progress. And it lets retired players redeem value.

Bungie’s neutral stance on account selling signals an objective perspective acknowledging both viewpoints exists among players themselves regarding such practices.

Alternatives To Straight Sale of Accounts

If unsure about the risks of account transactions, players do have alternative options:

Account Rentals

Short duration account access rentals arranged privately between players. Allows trying out accounts temporarily.

Paid Account Recoveries

Hiring skilled players to pilot your account for certain objectives like Trials Lighthouse visits or raid completions.

In-Game Trade Channels

Trading goods directly between players for items like Bright Dust, Silver, Materials via Destiny 2 LFG communities.

Each option has its own upside vs downsides to evaluate.

While Destiny 2 account selling between players is broadly permitted, numerous risks exist without official accountability or support from Bungie. Players are advised to proceed with full transparency and undertake precautions before transacting.

From preparing accounts securely to evaluating fair values, this comprehensive guide covered all considerations around selling your Destiny 2 account. Hope the insights help players make informed decisions.

As ever, eyes up Guardians!

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