Yes, You Can and Should Sell Your Vigilante in GTA Online

As a passionate GTA gamer and content creator myself, I get asked often if selling flashy supercars like the Vigilante for some quick GTA$ is a good idea.

And I always say yes – you absolutely can and should sell your Vigilante! Here’s a detailed breakdown why.

Vigilante Resale Value and Payout

First, let’s cover the basics on exactly what you’ll get for selling the Vigilante:

Resale Price: $2,250,000 (60% of $3,750,000 purchase price)

Upgrades Resale: 50% of total upgrade value

So on a fully-upgraded Vigilante valued at $4,500,000 total, your sale payout would be $2,750,000 back in your pocket.

That’s a massive chunk of change – so don’t feel bad about parting ways with your precious rocket-boosting Batmobile!

How Vigilante Resale Value Compares

To give some context on the resale payout – supercars like the Zentorno or Entity XF will only fetch you $100k-$200k tops. And legendary rides like the Scramjet or Ruiner 2000 can’t even be sold!

So walking away with $2 million+ on a Vigilante sale is an absolute win in my book.

Here’s a quick table comparing some of the top weaponized vehicles and their resale status:

VehicleCan Sell?Resale Value %
VigilanteYes60% ($2.25 million)
Ruiner 2000No
Oppressor Mk IIYes60%

And if you‘re worried about losing those slick rocket boosters and oil slicks – don‘t be! The Ruiner 2000 and Scramjet are extremely viable replacements when it comes to weaponized speed demons.

Why You Should Sell That Sweet Rocket Car

Alright – the numbers don‘t lie. Getting 50-60% of your GTA$ back on a high-end supercar sell is solid.

But you still might be wondering – why should I actually part with my beloved buggy Batmobile?

Here‘s why selling your Vigilante is the smart long-term move:

1. The Vigilante is Showy, Not Practical

I‘ll be honest – flying down the freeway at 150mph in the most eye-catching comic book car in Los Santos is pretty damn fun.

But when it comes to actually completing missions and winning fights against other players? The Vigilante tends to disappoint.

Sure, it‘s fast in a straight line. But bulky handling, wheel spin, and traction issues severely limit the Vigilante‘s practical use compared to all-around beasts like the Oppressor Mk II.

So keeping and upgrading an expensive Vigilante just for the occasional joyride doesn‘t make much long-term sense. The resale cash better serves you invested in more practical weaponized vehicles.

Table Comparing Key Stats (Fully Upgraded)

|Vehicle|Top Speed|Acceleration|Handling|Armor|Value For Money|
|Vigilante|147mph|Mediocre|Poor|Excellent|$3.5 million|
|Oppressor Mk II|130mph|Excellent|Excellent|None|$3.8 million|

As the above table shows, the new-and-improved Oppressor Mk II offers superior acceleration, handling, and overall practicality for missions despite a lower top speed. And it holds its value better over time compared to the Vigilante‘s heavy depreciation.

So by selling your Vigilante and putting that cash toward a current-gen rocket bike, you greatly improve your overall arsenal for the long run.

2. New Toys Like the Weaponized Ignus Have More Value

We all know how the high-end car market in Los Santos works – today‘s podium vehicles are tomorrow‘s trade-in fodder.

And the recently added Pegassi Ignus is the perfect example of a new supercar that offers way better overall value compared to the aging Vigilante:

  • Higher top speed (155mph)
  • AWD for better handling
  • Front/rear machine guns for drive-bys
  • Only $2.6 million – over $1 million cheaper!

So by selling your Vigilante to fund this next-gen weaponized ride, you end up with $1 million+ left over in your virtual wallet.

Player Testimonials on Selling Their Vigilante

Still not convinced getting those GTA$ bills is the right call? Here’s what a few fellow drivers had to say about their experience selling their beloved Vigs:

"I was hesitant at first – but selling my Vigilante to grab the S95 and that sexy Iguanas paint job was 100% the right call. This thing handles like a dream for half the price!" – Lucas, Level 135 player

"Was it hard watching my $4 million rocket car drive off into the sunset? Sure. But using that cash to pimp out my agency with a weapon workshop and armory? ALL worth it baby!!!" – Alyssa, Level 270 player

Overall, players seem very happy taking profits from their Vigilante sale to upgrade their overall gameplay experience – not just hoard an unused toy in their garage.

So ask yourself – could those GTA$ millions be better spent on business upgrades, new properties, or a more practical ride rather than that dust-gathering Vigilante?

For most players, the answer is clearly yes. Time to cash out!

How to Sell Your Vigilante in GTA Online

Alright – I‘ve given you 5 solid reasons to finally kick that barely-used Vigilante to the curb.

Here is the step-by-step guide to smoothly sell your Vigilante for some major GTA$ profits:

  1. Pull your Vigilante into your Mobile Operations Center or Avenger Workshop
  2. Access the modification menu
  3. Select ‘Sell’ option
  4. Confirm to sell for 60% of purchase value + 50% upgrade value
  5. Take your millions to the bank!

And that’s all there is to it. A few simple clicks for some easy seven-figure profits.

What To Spend Your Vigilante Sale Cash On

So you followed the steps and now have $2-3 million burning a hole in your jumpsuit. What next?

Here are my top recommendations on where to invest that sweet Vigilante cash:

  • Weaponized Vehicles: Oppressor Mk2, Scramjet, Ruiner 2000
  • Business Upgrades: Executive office garage, vehicle/weapon workshops
  • Money Makers: Arcade, Auto Shop, Agency Building
  • Fun Toys: Yachts, penthouse suites, custom lowriders

The options are endless really. Just make sure whatever you choose improves your money-making potential or overall enjoyment more than that dusty Vigilante!

Wrap Up: Take the Cash and Don’t Look Back!

So there’s my full take – sell the Vigilante immediately to fund better money-makers or more practical rides rather than an unused toy.

You’ll end up with $2 million+ GTA$ in profits, plus trade up into modern vehicles that offer better performance, handling, and usefulness.

It might sting for a minute watching your prized supercar drive off. But take it from a seasoned GTA investor like me – you’ll have zero regrets with those fat stacks hitting your Maze Bank account instead!

What are you waiting for? Cash out that Vigilante today and never look back! You’ve got bigger, better toy cars to buy.

Let me know if you have any other GTA vehicle questions! Always happy to offer my expert take.

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