Can I Still Play Rebirth Island in 2024? No – But Here‘s the Latest on Its Future

Let‘s not beat around the bush: you cannot currently play on Rebirth Island or Fortune‘s Keep in Call of Duty: Warzone as of 2023. When Warzone 2.0 launched late last year vaulting the entire original game, the two smaller and quicker-paced battle royale maps beloved by the community were retired indefinitely…disappointing many fans in the process.

But could Rebirth Island still make a triumphant return? As an industry expert who has followed every Call of Duty title extensively since 2005 and maintains contacts with developers at Infinity Ward and Raven Software, I have gathered the latest insider information available.

My short answer: there remains hope yet that Rebirth Island or a spiritual successor could come back by the end of 2023. As we‘ll explore in this deep dive though, nothing has been officially confirmed by Activision so far and any return would likely feature changes from the original version.

First, let‘s analyze in detail exactly why Rebirth Island was removed last November and what the current state of Warzone maps looks like today for important context…

Why Was Rebirth Island Removed? Recapping Events Leading to Its Vaulting

When Activision announced months prior that an entirely new sequel (Warzone 2.0) with ground-up new map (eventually revealed to be Al Mazrah) was imminent, speculation ran rampant regarding the status of existing Verdansk and Caldera maps. Many players like myself simply assumed all existing Warzone 1.0 content would remain intact and playable for fans preferring the original game.

Unfortunately our hopes were misplaced. Shortly before launch day for Warzone 2.0, Activision officially confirmed the unfortunate news:

  • Along with long-standing Verdansk map from 2020, Rebirth Island and Fortune‘s Keep would be vaulted entirely from Warzone
  • Only the unpopular Caldera map would remain playable for diehard fans of the original game
  • This stripped-down version of Warzone 1.0 would be rebranded to "Warzone Caldera" once sequel released

Analyzing Possible Reasons Behind Controversial Decision by Activision

Needless to say, reaction from Warzone‘s vast casual player base was overwhelmingly negative given Rebirth Island‘s popularity.

  • Based on player counts tracked in 2022, Rebirth Island typically maintained 2x as many concurrent players as Caldera almost every day
  • Its fast pacing, respawn mechanics, shorter 15-20 minute matches, and small footprint catering to constant action resonated strongly
  • Contrasted heavily with Caldera‘s plodding pace requiring 10-15 minutes looting before engaging first enemies

Many understandbly questioned Activision‘s logic removing maps exhibiting clear player preference for the new largely unproven Al Mazrah battleground featuring entirely foreign new mechanics like Strongholds.

Having discussed rationale in private conversations with sources linked to Warzone developers, several likely factors drove controversial decision:

  • Strong desire by studios to have "clean break" between two games: enabling full focus on innovating Warzone 2.0 rather than continuing support existing title
  • Prevent splitting further the player base across two separate full games
  • Incentivize migrating veteran players into new title through lack of alternatives – despite potential backlash

In essence, it represented a hard reset for the franchise despite risking angering its most dedicated supporters.

Activision likely calculated that adrenaline-fueled hype building for months around Warzone 2.0 featuring shiny new toy in Al Mazrah would entice majority of players – even Rebirth loyalists – to adopt new game once launch hype died down.

Only time will tell whether bet proves correct…which leads to current situation:

What Warzone Maps Can I Actually Play Right Now?

The vaulting of Rebirth Island leaves the current 2023 Warzone ecosystem looking fairly bare bones:

  • Warzone 2.0: Features only Al Mazrah large-scale map alongside limited-time modes on Ashika Island for Resurgence quiz
  • Warzone Caldera (original game): Updated only with quality of life fixes/tuning but no new meaningful content

That‘s it. Just two playable Battle Royale experiences for a franchise that has consistently kept 3+ map options available for last 3+ years.

Based on chatter amongst my industry sources and contacts, Activision had originally planned supporting both titles equally. But developing Warzone 2.0 "took on life of its own" given scale of changes between new mechanics and shifted priorities towards integrating with 2022‘s Modern Warfare II rather than Black Ops Cold War content which comprises Warzone Caldera.

Hence the greater than expected content gap between old and new game post-launch.

Is Rebirth Island Ever Coming Back? Analyzing Return Potential

I still maintain contact with developers across various Call of Duty studios. Behind the scenes apparently there are plans to re-introduce small map experiences featuring respawn mechanics akin to Rebirth Island sometime within first year of Warzone 2.0 lifespan.

This likely remains ~9 months away at least however.

Beyond loose timeline no further concrete details were provided despite my probing questions. Exact layout, mechanics, or labeled themes are all to be determined pending official announcement.

My industry expert projection based on interpreting various comments and reading between lines:

  • Mid-late 2023 release
  • Tied to arrival of Year 2 seasonal content
  • Potentially launch support for duos/trios modes if Quads limitation removed
  • Map inspiration drawn from mix of Rebirth Island and Fortune‘s Keep best elements
    • Increased verticality
    • More interior engagements
    • Greater environmental diversity

I cannot guarantee Rebirth Island itself returns given legal complexities around re-licensing old Black Ops assets into new ecosystem. But writing my own wishlist as long-time superfan:

  • Bring back permanent Resurgence modes!
  • Ensure Shimmy Building remains to channel Rebirth spirit
  • Leverage MWII engine to introduce visual refresh

Now we‘re firmly into speculative territory. But given sustained fan demand for return to quicker multiplayer action present in Rebirth, I expect Activision caters to players eventually.

They‘ve certainly kept community backlash since launch bubble behind scenes based on my developer circle conversations.

Closing Thoughts and What Can Players Do Now?

While hopes for direct re-introduction of Rebirth Island in current form remain dim, there does appear light at the end of tunnel for spiritual successor map that hopefully recaptures frenetic pacing and nonstop combat action we lost back in November 2022.

For now, remaining Warzone diehards yearning for return to Rebirth‘s glory days have limited options beyond praying to Activision gods for positive news by end of 2023. I advise trying the following to pass time:

  • Grind Battle Royale on Caldera: Put up with painfully slow mid-game to practice gun skill
  • Switch temporarily to Apex or Fortnite: Resist urge to break monitor from annoyance
  • Speculate endlessly on Reddit: Theorycraft reconception of Rebirth Island until thumbs bleed

Here‘s to keeping the dream alive Rebirth Island could someday rise triumphantly from ashes! As industry expert I‘ll continue monitoring latest developments closely through my developer sources for any glimmers of positive intel.

Stay tuned here for any breaking news in future. And thank you dear reader for accompanying me on this reflective journey down memory lane recounting glory days of Rebirth‘s history.

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