Can You Trade Lunala in Pokémon Games?

The short answer is yes, you can trade the Legendary Moone Pokémon Lunala in the Generation 7 Pokémon titles it appears in. However, there are restrictions when moving Lunala outside of those Nintendo 3DS games.

How to Get Lunala

Before we dive deeper into trading, let‘s briefly recap how to obtain Lunala in the first place.

Lunala evolves from the Mythical Cosmog only at night in Pokémon Sun/Ultra Sun and Moon/Ultra Moon. So you‘ll first need to evolve Cosmog into Cosmoem and level it up after sunset to get your Lunala.

Cosmog Evolving

Cosmog evolving into Lunala at night

With that out of the way, let‘s get into the trading specifics.

Trading Restrictions

As a Legendary Pokémon, Lunala can be traded locally or over the internet in Gen 7 games without issue. So you can swap Lunalas between Sun and Moon for version exclusives.

You can also Wonder Trade or GTS trade on random exchanges if you want to spread Lunala joy!

However, due to its status as a special Legendary, Lunala cannot be moved into Pokémon Home storage or traded outside Sun/Moon at all. So it will remain confined within the Gen 7 games. Tough luck!

Getting Multiple Lunalas

Naturally you only obtain one Lunala per save file. But players aiming to trade away extra Lunalas have a couple options to obtain more.

Start New Save Files

Dedicated traders play through Sun/Moon repeatedly to farm Legendaries like Lunala for trading fodder.

  • I estimate it would take 15-20 hours to rush a new game and evolve Cosmog for an extra Lunala.
  • Ultra Sun/Moon can speed this up slightly by gifting Cosmog earlier on.

Trading Forums

Rather than reset new files yourself, you can trade or buy extra Lunalas from other players on forums dedicated to Pokémon trades.

Just beware cloned or genned Pokémon that violate legitimacy policies!


If you have access to 3DS hacking tools or know someone generous with powersaves, Lunala can be cloned indefinitely. But cloned Lunala likely won‘t be accepted in community trading groups.

Lunala Overview

Before we wrap up, let‘s appreciate why Lunala is so prized. Check out some quick facts on this beautiful Legendary below:


  • Excellent Special Attack and good Speed enable it to hit hard and fast.
  • Solid bulk with good defenses too, although HP is on the lower side.


According to Sun/Moon lore, Lunala may be based on the Moon goddess Hina:

Said to live in another world, Hina descends from the moon each month to watch over mortals. Legends describe Hina as both exceedingly beautiful and exceedingly frightening. Lunala may be a feminine, mysterious version of this deity.

I find the connections to Hawaiian mythos super fascinating! It brings deeper meaning to this Legendary as an ambassador to our world.


Lunala possesses a unique ability to fuse with Necrozma, creating powerful forms like Dawn Wings and Dusk Mane Necrozma. They meld Necrozma‘s light absorbing powers with Lunala‘s celestial strength for a deadly combination.

As a passionate Pokémon fan, I‘d love to see this mechanic expanded to fusion with more Legendaries! Imagine the world-ending prospects of fusing Lunala with Groudon or Kyogre… shudder.

So in summary, yes you can freely trade Lunala in Gen 7 games to help fellow trainers complete their Pokédexes. Stock up by restarting games, trading online communities, or via cloning tools if you‘re feeling shady. And appreciate the care Game Freak put into making Lunala mystical!

What are your favorite Lunala memories or trivia tidbits? I‘d love to hear other fans‘ perspectives in the comments below!

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