No, You Cannot Transfer V-Bucks Between Fortnite Accounts

Before we dig into the details, let‘s get the hard truth out of the way upfront: There is currently no legitimate way to transfer V-Bucks purchases or currency between two separate Fortnite accounts. I know that‘s not the answer you hoped for, but stick with me! 😉

Even as a highly-experienced Fortnite player and content creator myself, I often get questions from gamers wondering if they can transfer their hard-earned V-Bucks to a friend, family member, or new account they created.

I get the appeal! You want to gift that sweet new emote to your sibling, or maybe you started over on a new account and want your V-Bucks balance carryover. Who wouldn‘t want to spread the wealth?

But unfortunately, direct V-Bucks transfers are firmly against Epic Games‘ Terms of Service. Trying workarounds by selling or sharing accounts is also strictly prohibited.

However! There are still a few legitimate ways to merge or access V-Bucks across accounts and platforms. Before you try shady tactics that could risk bans, make sure you understand your options.

In this comprehensive guide, I‘ll cover:

  • The discontinued account merge feature
  • Gifting items vs gifting V-Bucks
  • Cross-platform sharing through your Epic ID
  • The realities of transferring account ownership
  • Why buying/selling accounts should be avoided

Let‘s go through each scenario so you have the full picture!

The Demise of Official Account Merging

Up until May 2019, Fortnite offered an account merge feature that let players combine two accounts into one primary account. All items, V-Bucks, stats, and progress got merged into that single account.

This was designed to help players who created multiple accounts across different platforms before Epic Games accounts were required. But it quickly got exploited by bad actors:

"When we introduced Account Merge in November, the intention was to allow players to move purchases across accounts while not granting ersatz account trades or sales. Since then, we have identified techniques that allow bad actors to exploit the system and dummy accounts for illicit gains." –Epic Games blog

So as of May 6th, 2019, Fortnite‘s account merge capabilities were permanently disabled.

This removed the only official method for transferring V-Bucks between two accounts. With no signs of Account Merging making a return, transfers remain impossible according to Epic‘s rules.

I‘ve seen some shady websites claim they can merge accounts through exploits in 2024. Maybe they‘ve found undiscovered loopholes, but I strongly advise against attempting this. At best you‘ll lose your money to a scam, at worst you‘ll lose your accounts!

You Can Gift Cosmetics, But Not Currency

So if account merging is dead, what about gifting items bought with V-Bucks? Surely your main account could gift a fancy skin to your alt account if you can‘t transfer balances directly, right?

Close – but with some big caveats!

  • You CAN gift skins, emotes, Battle Pass access, and other cosmetic items to friends. But V-Bucks currency itself can never be gifted.
  • Gifting is limited to items currently in the store, not your entire locker. So gifting brand new releases is possible, but old retired skins aren‘t eligible.
  • There are daily gifting limits to curtail farming exploitation. You can only gift 5 items every 24 hours.

So in theory, you could use gifting to pass some premium cosmetics from one account to another if you really want that Singularity skin on your alt.

But with restrictions in place, don‘t expect to migrate your entire locker of skins earned over months/years of play. The reality is gifting works better for sending cool new stuff to your real-life friends, not as a makeshift way to combine account inventories.

Plus again – V-Bucks themselves can never be directly gifted, only items bought with existing currency balances.

Cross-Platform Currencies Are Tied to Your Epic ID

One positive change that accompanied the loss of account merging was implementation of unified wallet balances across platforms. Now when you link your PlayStation, Xbox, Switch, and mobile accounts to an Epic Games ID, any V-Bucks earned or purchased are shared – regardless of where you play!

For example, let‘s say you play Fortnite through:

  • Xbox (primary platform)
  • PlayStation
  • iPhone when traveling

If you spend $10 to get 1,000 V-Bucks on Xbox, that balance will also appear when you sign-in through PlayStation or mobile. You don‘t have to re-buy currency on each platform.

This works seamlessly behind the scenes by syncing all currencies and purchased items to the overarching Epic Games account.

But again – those currencies are still tied explicitly to THAT singular Epic account. If you create or sign-in to a different Epic account on any linked platform, you start fresh with a new balance of 0.

So cross-platform syncing offers some convenience when transitioning between gadgets, but doesn‘t allow transfers to other accounts. Your V-Bucks go wherever you go, not other players.

You Can‘t Transfer Account Ownership

What if you decide to quit Fortnite (gasp!) and want to hand-off your beloved account and hard-earned V-Buck reserves to another player?

I admire the generosity, but sadly this is forbidden according to Epic‘s rules.

The Terms of Service explicitly state:

"You may not transfer, sell, gift, exchange, trade, lease, sublicense, or rent access to your Account or any Virtual Money or Virtual Goods except within the Software and as expressly permitted by Epic."

There are no exceptions or provisions for transferring accounts, even among friends or family members.

Attempting to sell or share accounts through black markets could result in automatic bans. Every account is meant to have one owner – you!

Now I realize some parents share an account across multiple family members, which Epic generally turns a blind eye towards.

But officially assigning your account to another person (especially for money) is completely disallowed. Any transactions like this violate the ToS and put everyone involved at risk. Don‘t do it!

Buying or Selling Accounts Puts Everyone at Risk

I want to call special attention to black market account trading, because this remains a big issue even in 2024.

Tons of players still attempt to sell high-value Fortnite accounts on sketchy third-party websites. Their logic is obvious: if you can‘t transfer balances officially, just conduct transactions under the table!

Listings boast rare skins, high leaderboard stats, and yes – unused V-Bucks up for grabs, sometimes for over $1,000… 🤑

Now I understand the temptation here if you have an iconic Renegade Raider skin or thousands of unspent V-Bucks sitting dormant after quitting.

But engaging with these black markets in any capacity (buying OR selling) violates Fortnite‘s ToS and will likely get your account permabanned when discovered.

Epic aggressively monitors account usage patterns to catch illegal transactions. And they have strong incentives to crack down:

  • Account selling incentivizes hacking/phishing attempts to steal accounts from legitimate owners. More stolen goods = more incentive for criminals.
  • It enables cheating and unfair advantages if players can just buy elite accounts. This damages competitive integrity at all skill levels.
  • It costs Epic money. If thousands of hoarded V-Bucks get extracted from inactive accounts and spent elsewhere, that directly takes away revenue. Less ethical, but reality.

When weighing if you should offload your account for a few bucks, know that it will likely be banned soon after. Is short term cash worth losing your account permanantly?

For buyers, many black market accounts get reclaimed or banned soon after purchase anyway. And at minimum, expect to lose any purchased V-Bucks later removed from the account.

My advice: avoid these account marketplaces entirely. It‘s an inevitable dead-end for both buyers and sellers. Please don‘t contribute to the problem!

Key Takeaway – What‘s Allowed and What‘s Not

I know I covered a ton of ground here! To recap at a high level:


  • Gift cosmetic items won from the Battle Pass or purchased with V-Bucks (with daily limits)
  • Access your V-Bucks balance across all linked platforms like PlayStation, Xbox, PC, Mobile, etc. under the same Epic Games account


  • Transfer V-Bucks currency itself or gift Battle Pass tiers
  • Merge accounts to combine balances and cosmetics into one primary account
  • Transfer or sell account ownership to another player
  • Buy or sell accounts on black markets without severe risks

I realize some of those restrictions are frustrating, but that‘s the lay of the land to keep things fair and prevent exploitation per Epic‘s rules.

While you can‘t directly exchange V-Bucks between accounts, hopefully this guide covered some suitable alternatives you can leverage within the confines of Epic‘s Terms of Service.

Let me know if any questions pop up! I‘m always happy to chat more in the comments with fellow gamers and Fortnite fans. 😄

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