Can I Unlink and Relink My Activision Account?

As a hardcore Call of Duty player and content creator, I‘ve helped plenty of players manage their Activision accounts. So I know firsthand that accidentally linking the wrong account can be a frustrating setback.

The good news? You can unlink and relink to the correct Activision account.

But the process isn‘t always straightforward. In this up-to-date guide for 2023, I‘ll cover everything you need to know:

  • How and when to properly unlink your account
  • Troubleshooting tips if you run into issues
  • What happens to progression, purchases etc. when you switch accounts

I‘ll also explain why outright deleting your account should be an absolute last resort – especially now that account recovery is near impossible.

Let‘s start with the steps to correctly unlink that pesky wrong account from

Step-By-Step: Unlinking the Wrong Activision Account

First and foremost, logging in is key. You need access to the linked account you want gone.

  1. Head to your Activision Account Profile
  2. Under Account Linking, select the wrong account
  3. Click "Unlink" and confirm

Straightforward enough. But here is where players often run into headaches:

You might not realize you‘ve linked the wrong account until after you‘ve already started playing. So your progress could already be updating on that improper Activision account.

The good news is your stats aren‘t lost forever. Relink to the correct account, and your progression will pick up where you left off.

But first you need to successfully unlink. And sometimes access issues crop up…

When You Can‘t Log In to Unlink

Let‘s say you linked to an old Activision account that you no longer have the login credentials for. So you can‘t access the profile to unlink it.

Or maybe the account was hacked/banned, so you‘re locked out.

In cases where you can‘t access the linked account, here are your options:

  • File an account recovery request with Activision support to regain access
  • Provide Activision with proof of ownership for the restricted account so they can investigate
  • As an absolute last resort, you may need to completely start fresh with a new account

I‘d exhaust all other avenues before creating a brand new account and losing everything though.

The key is staying calm and reaching out to Activision customer support through an online ticket. Explain your situation clearly and provide any details you have.

With some patience and persistence, you can usually get back into a lost Activision account somehow.

Avoid Future Issues By Not Rushing Your Initial Link

I totally understand the urge to rush into playing your new game right away.

But take it from me – a few extra minutes double checking you‘ve linked the correct Activision account is worth avoiding this headache!

When first linking, carefully confirm that:

  • You‘re logged into the correct Activision account web profile
  • The displayed account ID matches the one you intend to link
  • You don‘t have an existing link needing to be removed

Catching a mistake at the initial linking stage saves you the support ticket and waiting days for access to be restored.

Now let‘s talk about the impacts to your precious unlockables and progression when you do switch linked accounts…

What Happens to Progression and Purchases When You Relink Accounts?

This is what everyone wants to know – will I lose all my stuff if I switch accounts?

The answer depends on precisely when you caught the wrong linking issue.

If you remedy the incorrect link immediately, before ever launching the game, then don‘t stress! Nothing has updated or synced over yet in terms of progress or owned content.

Once you correctly relink, everything will carry straight over from your original account and it‘s like the mistake never happened. No purchases, battle pass tiers, or weapon levels lost.

But say you do put significant hours into playing linked to the wrong account before realizing. What then?

The good news is your progress is not deleted – it has just been temporarily updating on the wrong Activision account profile.

When you relink to the intended account, the game will sync everything over. You pick up right where you left off with all the correct levels, Master Prestiges etc.

So nothing earned is ever fully lost forever due to a mistaken link. Your purchases, season rank ups, and camo grinds won‘t just vanish.

However, you may run into some visual bugs or confusing stat displays while the background processes play catch up.

For example, your level may temporarily show as 1 before updating to the accurate reading. Give it a few days after relinking for everything to self-correct.

The key is not panicking if your progress appears gone at first. Just allow some time for the data to transfer over once linked properly.

Special Cases: Hacked or Banned Accounts

While nothing is ever fully lost when switching accounts, there are some special cases worth mentioning.

If your OG Activision account was hacked or banned while linked to the wrong account, then a relink may not restore everything.

Since hackers or policy violations could have impacts like:

  • Deleted in-game items or currency
  • Stolen credit card info associated with the account
  • Compromised personal info you can‘t recover

So if either linked account endured unauthorized access or bans while paired, immediately contact Activision support once you regain access.

Provide extensive detail on the hacking or ban situation. The support team reviews these issues manually, so the more context you can provide, the better.

With evidence of the security/policy breach during an improper link, Activision may be able to roll back certain updates or reimburse stolen property. But outcomes will vary case-by-case.

The number one rule remains avoid linking to any account with known security risks to minimize what even skilled hackers can impact.

Now that we‘ve covered the full unlink, relink, and switch process in detail, let‘s talk about why deleting your Activision account is risky…

Think Carefully Before Deleting Your Activision Account!

Sometimes players with linked account headaches ask me:

"Should I just delete my account and start my Call of Duty progress completely over?"

I cannot advise strongly enough against this nuclear option!

Deleting your Activision account erases all hard-earned progression, purchases, and personal data forever, with virtually no means of recovery.

Unlike the account linking snafus we just covered, outright account deletion involves:

  • Permanent erasure of all account data
  • No option to restore anything lost
  • Need to fully relevel separate linked accounts

I have witnessed players depressingly delete hundreds or even thousands of dollars worth of owned DLC skins and blueprints.

And they‘ve done so without fully grasping just how unrecoverable that content becomes!

So unless your account is irreversibly hacked/banned beyond all hope, swallow the frustration and avoid deleting. Use the relink processes I outlined instead to get back on track.

Believe me when I say that fully restarting your multiplayer grinding is never worth it!

Now on to your questions…

I know that was a whole lot of in-depth account info dropped at once. So please feel free to comment any follow-up questions or linking/deletion issues I did not cover!

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