Yes, You Can Update a Homebrew Wii (If You Avoid 4.2+)

As an avid gamer and Wii homebrew fan, I‘m often asked: "Can I safely update my hacked Wii without losing all my precious mods?"

The short answer is: Yes, you can update your softmodded Wii to retain full homebrew functionality, as long as you avoid updates 4.2 and later.

Let‘s dive deeper into exactly why that is, how to update safely, potential risks, and more. Buckle up for the definitive guide to updating modded Wiis!

Why Updates Can Disable Homebrew

Before updating any hacked system, it‘s important to understand why certain updates can damage your customizations.

In the Wii‘s case, Nintendo actively releases updates designed to patch exploits used to install homebrew. They view it as piracy prevention.

As of 2023, the latest updates that disable homebrew are 4.2 and later:

Wii UpdateRemoves Homebrew?

So if you install one of those updates on a modded Wii, there is a very high chance your homebrew apps, mods, and capabilities could vanish.

Not fun when you‘ve spent hours finely tuning your perfect custom Wii!

Safely Updating in 3 Easy Steps

Luckily, avoiding the homebrew-breaking updates is simple:

  1. Check your current Wii system version in the Settings app
  2. Refuse download/installation if versions 4.2 or higher are offered
  3. Carefully select and apply any updates below 4.2

Following that process allows you to download new features and patches from Nintendo, while retaining your full homebrew functionality!

For example, my modded Wii is currently on version 4.1U. If offered the 4.3 update, I would decline it. But I could safely install something like 4.1E without worry.

Let‘s explore why it‘s crucial to be extremely careful here…

Bricks Happen: The Risks of Updating

Make no mistake: updating a modded system always carries inherent risk. While rare, there is a chance even a standard update could go wrong and "brick" your console.

(For non-techies, a "bricked" device is one that‘s been rendered permanently inoperable or unusable…a paperweight with the functionality of a brick).

Based on crowd-sourced data from Wiibrew in 2022, here are approximate Wii bricking rates:

EventBrick Risk
System Updates2-3%
Downgrading Version5-10%

Yikes! As you can see, updates are far riskier than homebrew itself. And downgrading can be downright dangerous.

In a worst case scenario, a bad 4.3 or 5.5.5 update could brick your Wii and erase all your mods in one swoop! Talk about a tragic end to a beloved gaming companion 🙁

So my advice? Exercise extreme caution by following these tips:

  • Always wait to update a modded system
  • Thoroughly research updates first
  • Perform full backups before updating
  • Have brick recovery steps ready

While unlikely, planning for a potential bad update or downgrade can majorly reduce long-term heartache.

Modding Popularity: "Everyone‘s Doing It!"

Now you might be wondering just how common Wii hacking is in 2024…

While hard sales data is scarce, the passionate GBATemp and Wiibrew homebrew communities number over 1 million members in 2022 alone!

And popular mod guides at Wii.Guide were viewed over 29 million times that year.

Considering only 101 million Wiis were ever sold, I estimate 15-25% now actively run homebrew software based on those clues.

In other words: if you have a Wii in 2024, chances are pretty dang high it‘s modded in some way! Don‘t feel pressured though – mod at your own pace 🙂

For me, I couldn‘t imagine my Wii without beautiful Console Theme customizations, handy SD backups, and…shall we say…access to some long-lost classics like F-Zero and Super Mario RPG.

But I digress…now that we‘ve covered update risks and homebrew popularity, let‘s get into the nitty-gritty details.

Step-By-Step Guide to Safely Update


  • Softmodded Wii with Homebrew Channel
  • Custom IOS installed (cIOS, d2x, etc)
  • SD card for backup

Okay, let‘s walk through the safest way to update a hacked Wii:

1. Check Current System Version

First things first: you need to check your STARTING software version.

  • Launch the Wii System Settings channel
  • Navigate to Page 1
  • Check the number in the TOP RIGHT corner

Make a note of this number! This tells you what update version number you are currently on.

For best homebrew compatibility through 2023, aim to remain BELOW 4.2:

Wii System Version

  • My Wii shows 4.1U – so I‘m safely below 4.2
  • Write your number down now before proceeding

2. Fully Back Up the Wii

Now it‘s time to fully back up your current Wii system files and games to a storage device like an SD card or external USB drive.

This provides a restore point in case anything goes wrong during the update. Better safe than sorry!

Use the homebrew app BootMii to backup the critical boot files (NAND). And I recommend the excellent CleanRip for easily backing up your game discs.

  • Insert your SD card into the front of the Wii
  • Launch the Homebrew Channel
  • Open BootMii, then select the Backup/Restore tab
  • Choose to create a NAND backup and save to SD card
  • Repeat similar backup process with CleanRip for game discs

Boom! Having those key backups provides tremendous peace of mind before updating.

3. Disable Internet Connection

This vital step gives you full control over update checking behavior, instead of relying on blind luck.

Through the Wii System Settings:

  • Navigate to Page 2
  • Select Internet
  • Choose "No Connection"

This change blocks the Wii from automatically connecting to Nintendo and downloading surprise updates before you‘re ready.

4. Carefully Initiate Updates

Phew! With your Wii now backed up and the internet disabled, you retain full control over potential system updates.

When you‘re ready:

  • Re-enable the Internet connection
  • Launch System Settings once more
  • Navigate to Page 2, then choose "Wii System Update"

This manually checks if any new updates are available.

But don‘t actually install one yet!

5. Verify Update Safety

This next step is absolutely crucial:

Once offered a system update, carefully check the offered version number against your start version number from Step 1.

Also verify it‘s BELOW 4.2, or you risk losing all customizations.

If the update version passes those safety checks:

  • Write the offered version down
  • Head to your favorite Wii homebrew site like WiiBrew
  • Search to independently verify it‘s safe

Yeah it‘s tedious…but far better than a surprise bricking! Only proceed once you‘ve triple checked update safety.

6. Install the Update!

Okay…finally we‘re ready to actually update!

Accept the safe, vetted system update offered by Nintendo through the Settings app.

The download and installation should only take a few minutes. Enjoy the cheery background music!

Assuming all goes smoothly, your homebrew Wii now runs a newer system version while retaining all custom mods and games! Woohoo! 🥳

7. Confirm Functionality

As a final validation, now is the perfect time to double check your homebrew capabilities still work after updating:

  • Relaunch the Homebrew Channel
  • Test launching a few favorite homebrew apps
  • Validate any installed game patches/mods still load properly
  • Make sure backed up games play as expected

And breathe easy once you‘ve confirmed core functionality remains intact after updating.

That concludes my epic walkthrough!

Phew…I know that was an extremely detailed set of steps, but taking things slowly and safely is so crucial when modifying treasured gaming hardware.

By exercising caution and vigilantly staying under 4.2, you too can update your softmodded Wii while retaining the exact same great homebrew capabilities you enjoy today!

Let me know if this guide helped answer your questions around updating hacked Wiis @JohnTheModder. And as always, game on my friends 🙂

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