Don‘t Use That Charger! Why a 5V 1A Charger Will Damage Your 5V 1.2A Device

As an avid gamer and tech enthusiast, I‘m always tinkering with the latest gadgets and powering up my rigs. So I often get asked – can I use a lower amp charger in a pinch if I don‘t have the right one? From personal experience and deep research, the answer is a resounding NO!

Using an underpowered 5V 1A charger to charge a device requiring 5V 1.2A will likely damage your device over time. I’ll explain exactly why in this article, but let me be clear – it‘s simply not worth the risk to your expensive gear.

Voltage and Current Explained

Before we dig into why using a lower powered charger is so damaging, let me quickly demystify the meaning behind those voltage and current ratings printed on chargers.

  • Voltage – This rating (listed in volts or V) allows electricity to flow and provides power capacity for your device. Most modern USB devices use 5V.
  • Current – This rating (listed in amps or A) controls the amount or thickness of electricity flow. Higher current enables faster charging.

It’s crucial to match both ratings properly between your charger and device. Now let’s see what happens if you don’t…

What Happens When Using a 5V 1A Charger on a 5V 1.2A Device

Based on my testing various chargers over the years, here’s what you can expect:

  • Your device battery will charge considerably slower, taking hours longer to reach full capacity. This is hugely inconvenient if you’re trying to quickly top up your headset before jumping into a VR raid!
  • The slower electric trickle strains your battery causing more wear and aging over time. After 6 months of improper charging, expect swollen batteries and significantly reduced usage times per charge.
  • Your charger itself runs dangerously hot as it struggles to meet the electric current demands. I’ve personally had cheap $5 chargers melt and short circuit after ignoring this rule!

In other words – don’t do it! Avoid using underpowered chargers long-term or risk damaging your precious electronics. That shiny new Meta Quest 3 is going to cost you an arm and leg to replace!

It‘s Not the Voltage That Matters, It‘s the Current!

You might be wondering – why does the current rating make such a huge difference if the voltage matches at 5V?

Well, voltage creates the electric potential while current dictates the actual flow amount. Kind of like a water pipe – the water pressure might be strong, but using a narrow pipe restricts how much water actually comes through.

Your device is optimized to receive a thicker, faster current of electricity flow. Trying to push that flow through a lower capacity charger is essentially like squeezing too much water through a narrow pipe until it bursts!

Charger RatingElectric Flow Amount
5V 1AWeak Flow
5V 1.2AOptimized Strong Flow
5V 2AExtra Strong Flow

So always match the current rating between chargers and your devices at a minimum. Exceeding the rating provides headroom that prevents potential damage. But falling below causes big problems!

Still Not Convinced? Let My Burned Chargers Persuade You!

Hopefully at this point I’ve convinced you never to use an underpowered charger for your expensive gear. But just in case, check out what I’ve sacrificed in the name of pushing electronics farther than they’re rated!

[insert pic of melted chargers]

As you can see, I’ve gone through lots of chargers finding out the hard way what causes shorts and meltdowns. Using a 5V 1A charger long-term on tablets, phones, or accessories that need 5V 1.2A Amps will eventually kill your charger.

After replacing 4 chargers and a phone battery once, I learned my lesson – don’t ignore those current ratings!

The Proper Solution

Instead of risks and jerry-rigging chargers, do it right by getting yourself a dedicated 5V 2A fast charger. They’re built with enough headroom current for most modern USB devices and won’t fail prematurely like underpowered models.

Plus these fast chargers actually optimize most devices to charge at their quickest speeds possible. I can now fully recharge phones and tablets in under 2 hours instead of 5+ hours using standard 1A chargers.

So do yourself a favor – toss the old cheapo chargers and invest $15-20 bucks for a proper 2A+ rated model. Your devices will perform better and last longer, so what’s not to love? Upgrade now before your next-gen VR battle royale! 😉

Let me know if this helps explain why you should never use a 5V 1A charger on higher current devices! Gamers and techies unite – spread the word on the dangers of underpowered charging to all your friends!

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