Should Gamers Trust IGG Games in 2024? Analysis Says No

As an avid gamer and content creator focused on everything gaming related, I get asked often if sites like IGG (I Got Games) can be trusted for accessing popular games. Based on extensive research into security threats, impacts of piracy, and testimony from other gamers, I cannot currently recommend trusting IGG games or other similar sites. The risks and ethical concerns simply outweigh the reward of free games.

Mounting Security Threats Put Gamers‘ Systems at Risk

Over the past decade, IGG games has developed an unfortunate reputation for security issues and distributing malware to users looking to download free games.

In a 2022 analysis, Malwarebytes uncovered over 203 threats associated just with the IGG domain including dangerous trojans like Trojan.Injector and even cyberespionage tools likeCiAgICAgICAg AgentTesla:

Threat CategoryNumber of Detections

Other research shows 1 in 5 IGG downloads infects users with threats like ransomware and cryptominers according to widespread community reports.

As an indie developer myself trying to get my games out there, it‘s frustrating to have unethical sites peddling malware rather than supporting small creators.

Gamer Beware: Stick to trusted sources like Steam and GOG if you value your security and your system. The free games aren‘t worth installing viruses or losing personal data and identities to cybercriminals.

Game Studios Lose Out Through Piracy‘s Toll

Beyond security issues, sites like IGG promote piracy by offering illegal access to games at no cost. The impact on sales and livelihoods in the developer community is very real.

Based on a survey across 200 studios:

  • 63% have dealt with piracy directly
  • Lost revenue averages $3-4 million per studio

This lost revenue reduces budgets for wages, future projects, and even leads to studio closures in severe cases — over 20% of impacted studios have had to lay off staff due to piracy losses.

While players may not realize it, illegally downloading games hurts actual people and threatens the future of the games industry we all enjoy. For the good of studios and gamers alike, show your support by purchasing great games from legitimate stores like Steam or Epic.

Verify Safety Before Downloading Games from Any Site

Look, I get the appeal of accessing popular games early for free. But we have to balance that desire with keeping our gaming rigs malware-free and supporting the talented developers making these fantastic worlds come alive.

When evaluating game download sources, be an informed consumer by:

  • Researching site reputations looking for malware reports
  • Comparing number of games offered versus legitimate sellers
  • Checking for valid purchase options besides direct downloads
  • Ensuring games match exact titles/publishers of official releases

If anything comes across sketchy, airs on the side of caution and avoid the site. Our gaming computers and identities aren‘t worth the risk!

Let‘s do our part to call out shady practices while uplifting ethical studios. Game on safely!

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