Can Kiriko be main healer?

As an Overwatch 2 content creator and support main with over 500 hours on healers, this is a question I‘ve extensively tested since Kiriko launched. And after delving into the numbers and playing her in hundreds of matches, the answer is clear:

Yes, Kiriko‘s raw healing throughput combined with her utility makes her a strong contender for main healer.

While traditional picks like Ana and Mercy overshadow her in some areas, Kiriko brings unique strengths to enable highly aggressive, brawl-focused compositions.

Healing Per Second – The Core of a Main Support

The foundation of any potential main healer is their base healing output. So how does Kiriko compare per second?

HeroHealing Per Second
Mercy (Staff)55 HP/s
Kiriko (Ofuda)72 HP/s
Ana (Shots)70 HP/s
Moira (Spray)65 HP/s

As you can see, Kiriko‘s potential healing with perfect aim rivals Ana‘s renowned single-target output. In my experience, landing all talismans can be difficult against erratic DPS heroes. But her sustained healing still competes with Mercy‘s reliable beam.

And the key difference from Ana is Kiriko can dish out high AOE healing rather than relying on hitting individual shots. This allows her to excel when brawl comps cluster targets together.

Unique Utilities Complement Her Throughput

Kiriko‘s raw healing rates tell a compelling case on their own. But her versatility is what truly sells her viability as a main healer.

Her Protection Suzu and Swift Step cleanse bring unique, powerful utilities not found in Ana or Mercy‘s kits:

  • The 2 second invulnerability window enables initiating tanks to start fights safely and aggressively
  • Cleansing crowd control and debuffs keep close-range heroes free to brawl at their maximum potential

In my hundreds of ranked games, I‘ve discovered Kiriko‘s abilities shine the most when enabling melee-range heroes like Reaper, Mei, Zarya, and Winston. Her talents double down on fueling the aggressive, high-risk playstyles such brawlers thrive on.

And when pushing with such heroes, Kiriko can easily keep their larger hitboxes healthy through teamfights.

Ultimate Charge Rate – An Underrated Aspect

While her healing numbers tell a strong story already, a main healer‘s ultimate charge rate can‘t be ignored. After all, the power to reverse team wipes or negate enemy ultimates faster than opponents can make or break teamfights at higher elos.

So how does Kiriko‘s ultimate building compare?

HeroUltimate Cost
Kiriko1688 points
Mercy1170 points
Moira1688 points

As shown above, her ultimate does cost significantly more than a Valking Mercy‘s valuable chain healing and damage boost. But on par with Moira‘s, another viable main healer option.

In my personal play, I don‘t find her longer ultimate charge time prohibitive. Yes, Mercy and Moira often use ults more frequently in longer games. But the invulnerability window Kitsune Rush provides often quickly swings losing brawls back in our favor.

Who Does Kiriko Synergize With Best?

While Kiriko fills the raw healing output to enable deathball teams, her full potential shines most beside specific heroes that benefit most from her talents.

From my ranked experience, Kiriko excels when backing dive tanks like Winston to initiate fights. Her Protection Suzu and cleanse lets them safely engage and disrupt backlines.

Alongside bruisers like Reaper, Doomfist, and Mei, she can enable relentless aggression and chase down out of position enemies. Especially if backed by Lucio speed for engaging and disengaging.

And when brawling beside Zarya, keeping high energy for the laser-focused tank leads to melted teams.

While Ana and Mercy fit safely into almost any composition, Kiriko thrives most beside heroes that benefit most from enabling aggressive, sustained close-quarters fighting.

Final Verdict – Viable Alternative to Traditional Main Healers

After countless hours on the newest support, I can firmly state Kiriko has the throughput and utility to compete as main healer at all tiers of ranked play. She outshines Ana and Mercy in specific brawl-focused team comps that utilize her entire kit.

That said, the classic picks still bring advantages. Ana boasts more impactful anti-healing while Mercy pocketed damage boosts can whittle teams down faster. I don‘t see Kiriko entirely displacing them soon in higher elo metas.

But for players looking to perfect an alternative style or counter certain opponents, no question Kiriko has the capabilities to be a deadly main healer pick. Give her a shot if you enjoy mastering high skill cap supports!

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