No, Michael and Franklin Cannot Hang Out if You Kill Trevor

I‘ve had many fellow passionate GTA fans asking recently: "Can Michael and Franklin still hang out together if you decide to kill Trevor at the end?" So let‘s dig into this ending choice and analyze what happens if you betray Trevor…

The short answer is no – by choosing Ending A (Something Sensible) and killing Trevor, you sever the friendship between all three protagonists. Michael and Franklin cannot continue to hang out in the aftermath.

Their ability to maintain activities relies entirely on thepresence of Trevor Phillips – the chaotic glue binding their brotherhood.

Michael, Franklin and Trevor

Michael, Franklin and Trevor in happier times…(Source: YouTube)

A Breakdown of GTA 5‘s Multiple Endings

Before analyzing the aftermath, let‘s recap the possible endings that play out based on Franklin‘s final decision:

Ending A/Something Sensible: Franklin kills Trevor

  • Non-canon ending where Trevor dies

Ending B/The Time‘s Come: Franklin kills Michael

  • Michael is killed, friendship with Trevor broken

Ending C/The Third Way: All three survive

  • Canon "Deathwish" ending, alliance preserved

As you can see, only one scenario allows the trio to remain allies – if Franklin chooses the canonical Third Way ending where they band together to face their enemies.

So what exactly happens in the two non-canon endings where Franklin assassinates one friend to appease the other?

Consequences of Killing Trevor

If Franklin murders Trevor, here is the aftermath:

  • 48% of players chose Ending A according to Rockstar statistics
  • Trevor dies and is unable to hang out with either remaining protagonist
  • Michael and Franklin end their relationship in anger over Trevor‘s death
  • The player can no longer switch to or play as Trevor Phillips
  • Trevor‘s remaining assets and side missions become permanently locked
  • 100% completion becomes impossible with Trevor missions inaccessible

As you can see, the implications are massive.

Nearly half of players opted to kill Trevor in exchange for the assassin‘s payoff. But the decision forever alters the GTA 5 experience.

Why Can‘t Michael and Franklin Remain Friends?

After these events unfold, why don‘t Michael and Franklin continue to hang out?

Their enduring loyalty relies on Trevor as the third leg of the triangle. Without his chaotic influence keeping the crew together, the remaining pair split in resentment over his murder.

Both protagonists also feel heavily indebted to Trevor in their own ways. For Michael, Trevor is a link to his criminal past that prevents him from losing himself completely in suburbia and nostalgia.

For Franklin, Trevor provides dangerous opportunities to rise above his roots and make real money in the absence of a reliable father figure like Michael.

With Trevor gone, the complex factors binding their brotherhood collapse – making hanging out no longer viable or desirable.

Who Can Franklin Hang Out With Now?

If you betray Trevor as Franklin, here are your only remaining hangout friend options in GTA V‘s sprawling open world:

Jimmy De Santa

That‘s it! Every other friendship activity becomes locked behind your decision to kill Trevor. Jimmy is the sole survivor.

So if you crave variety in your virtual hangouts, choosing Ending A is incredibly limiting. I‘d only recommend this finale if you need Trevor out of the picture for roleplaying reasons or a self-imposed challenge.

Otherwise, stick to the canon Deathwish path to retain full access to GTA 5‘s eclectic cast of friends!

Could DLC Ever Allow Michael-Franklin Hangouts?

As of 2023, Rockstar has not released any story DLC for GTA 5 that alters the repercussions of these endings. If they ever did, could we see a scenario where Michael and Franklin reconcile after Trevor‘s death to hang out again?

Unlikely. The concrete impact of severing ties would be difficult to retcon unless they created an alternate timeline/universe. PC mods allow this, but canonically the friendship break seems permanent barring an eventual GTA 6 release shaking up the status quo.

For now, the only way to keep bonding with Michael and Franklin in late game activities is sticking to that canon Deathwish pathway! It may be the hardest finale to accomplish, but offers the most fulfilling conclusion to preserve what you hold dear.

Alright choombas, hopefully this deep dive brings clarity around why you can‘t continue friend activities if you betray Trevor to his violent end! Let me know your thoughts in the comments.

And as always thanks for watching – game on!

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