Can You Play Nioh 2 Offline? A Solo Player‘s Guide

As a hardcore fan who has soloed all the Soulsborne games, I get asked this question a lot – so let‘s settle it once and for all.

Yes, you absolutely can play Nioh 2 completely offline! By setting Steam to offline mode, Nioh 2 will automatically launch without any online connectivity required.

However, going solo does mean missing out on some key online features that make the experience more accessible…

Losing Clans and Co-op Hurts Solo Players

While offline, you won‘t have access to:

  • Clans – which provide passive bonuses and meta progression
  • Graves – hints and gear left behind by other players
  • Revenants – highly rewarding AI phantoms
  • Co-op – summoning help from others

Losing all these support structures sounds daunting, but hear me out.

Solo Players Can Triumph Through Smart Buildcrafting

As someone who has soloed all of Nioh 2 offline, I can assure you it‘s challenging yet thrilling once you embrace the grind. Every minor upgrade to your gear and stats feels hugely impactful.

But you have to be smart about your build. Certain weapons and Ninjutsu skills are far more viable solo offline:

WeaponSolo Offline Viability

Of course skill trumps all and player comfort is key. But know what you‘re getting into!

Patience and Practice Make Perfect

While already considered harder than Dark Souls by many in the community, attempting Nioh 2 solo offline takes difficulty to the next level.

Certain bosses took me over 50 attempts to defeat. And I love that kind of grueling progression! Every small milestone and item found brings huge satisfaction.

But it requires tremendous patience and discipline to repeatedly learn attack patterns and inventory management between deaths. This game bending you to its will rather than the other way around.

And to newcomers scared off by that notion, let me reassure you…

An Unmatched Combat System Keeps You Hooked

Once Nioh 2‘s combat "clicks" for you after those first difficult hours, an endless drive to improve takes over.

The depth of stances, Skills, Ki Pulse techniques, Burst Counters, Yokai form management – it‘s truly staggering. Yet as complex as it seems, you‘ll soon be chaining everything together in hypnotic flow.

I can‘t adequately express in words how sublime achieving that mastery feels. Which is why hundreds of hours will pass by without you even noticing.

Conclusion – Embrace the Solo Challenge

To conclude – yes, absolutely give Nioh 2‘s ruthless yet rewarding solo offline challenge a shot if you have the willpower.

Just know it requires zen-like patience as much as reflexes. Have sensible expectations on progression. And maybe keep a stress ball handy for tough boss sessions!

For those seeking even more punishment, I highly recommend the "Stone+ / No Armor" runs that break you down and build you back up stronger. That sublime feeling when the pieces finally come together? Nothing else compares.

Let me know if this overview helps and if you have any other Nioh 2 solo offline questions! I could talk for hours about obscure technicalities and my favorite builds.

Happy soul hunting!

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