Can NPC Sims get married on their own?

As an avid Sims player myself, this is an issue I‘ve seen debated extensively in the community. The short answer is: sort of, under very specific conditions, but full autonomous marriage for NPC (non-playable character) Sims is still extremely limited.

Current Relationship Autonomy Options

In past Sims games, NPC Sim behavior was extremely rigid. They only took certain actions if directly controlled by the player. However, recently maxis has introduced much more robust relationship autonomy tools:

  • With the Neighborhood Stories feature added in 2022, NPC Sims can now autonomously have children, adopt pets, start and end relationships, and even move between households.
  • Setting an NPC household as "Unplayed" rather than "Played" in the menu gives those Sims even more autonomy.
  • Some mods like MC Command Center go further in allowing NPCs to take autonomous relationship actions like getting married.

So under specific conditions, it is possible for two eligible NPC Sims to build a relationship, fall in love, and even get married without any direct player input.

However, these conditions are quite rare. According to many forum posters, they‘ve never seen autonomous NPC marriages happen naturally even after hundreds of Sim hours. Most relationship progress still depends on the player pushing interactions.

The Case For and Against Fully Autonomous NPC Marriages

In community discussions around this topic, some compelling viewpoints have emerged:

Allowing NPC Sims to get married would…


  • Make the game world feel more dynamic and alive as relationships evolve organically
  • Lead to surprising stories as Sims couple and uncouple in unpredictable ways
  • Reduce the need for player micro-managing of every Sim relationship


  • Limit a player‘s control if two Sims they had plans for unexpectedly couple up
  • Potentially disrupt carefully crafted Sim storylines by introducing unintended spouses
Relationship SettingMarriage Autonomy?ProsCons
PlayedVery LimitedFull player controlDoesn‘t mirror real life dynamics
UnplayedPartially EnabledMore surprisesLess player control
Modded (e.g. MCC)Fully EnabledVery dynamicExtreme unpredictability

As you can see, there are good arguments on both sides. Currently Maxis seems to be easing towards more organic NPC relationship building, but stopping short of fullyhands-off marriages.

The Future of NPC Love and Marriage

Personally, based on community discussions I would predict official autonomous NPC marriage support to come eventually, but it may need certain guardrails.

Potential middle ground options could include:

  • A new toggle setting asking if NPCs have "permission to marry" autonomously.
  • Requiring player Sims reach a certain relationship level first before NPCs can take over.
  • Letting players mark certain Sims to "Protect Marital Status"

This way more dynamic emergent stories could unfold, but a player still has oversight on their most valued Sims.

We‘ll have to wait eagerly for maxis to reveal their roadmap! But the clamor for more advanced social and relationship AI only seems to be growing within the passionate Sims playerbase.

What do you think? Should NPC Sims be given full relationship autonomy, or will that inject too much chaos into carefully crafted player stories? I‘d love to hear your perspectives in the comments!

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