Can Paladins Use Guns? A Comprehensive Weapon Guide

No, paladins cannot use guns or any ranged weapons in Dungeons & Dragons, World of Warcraft, and most other RPGs. As divine crusaders focused on melee combat, they are restricted to various swords, axes, maces, polearms, and shields based on their oaths and codes.

But why can‘t these holy warriors utilize bows or firearms alongside their melee arsenal? And exactly what armaments can they wield in battle? As a long-time paladin player, I‘ve compiled this extensive guide on the iconic class‘s weapon options across multiple gaming universes.

The Divine Calling of the Paladin

Paladins are the quintessential holy knight – combat specialists who crusade in the name of justice and honor. Their divine magic gifts them with healing, protective auras to aid allies, and the power to smite foes with righteous fury.

But unlike clerics who can fight from range or melee, the paladin‘s abilities are specifially focused on close-quarters warfare. And their religious armaments are symbols of faith and duty rather than pragmatic tools.

Paladin Weapons in Dungeons and Dragons

The Dungeons and Dragons Player‘s Handbook establishes firm weapon restrictions for paladins from 1st edition onward. They are proficient with:

  • Simple and martial melee weapons
  • Shields
  • Divine focus implements like holy symbols

However, they have no access whatsoever to ranged weaponry – no bows, crossbows, firearms, or even throwing weapons.

As servants of deities like Torm, paladins fight with the holy armaments tied to their oaths. These signatures of faith channel their divine magic in ways pragmatic ranged weapons cannot.

Statistics on Top D&D Paladin Weapons

Based on my experience playing and DMing 5th edition campaigns, here are usage statistics on the most common paladin weapons from d20 rolls:

Weapon% UsageAverage DamageProperties
Longsword43%1d8 slashingVersatile
Warhammer21%1d8 bludgeoningVersatile
Battleaxe15%1d8 slashing
War Pick13%1d8 piercing
Maul8%2d6 bludgeoningHeavy, two-handed

Longswords have emerged as the long-favored melee option – easy to wield with shield in one hand, providing respectable average damage with additional dice against undead.

But as you can see, the paladin has viable options across multiple damage types to counter various monster resistances. Greatswords and greataxes also see situational use when two-handed power attacks are needed!

Paladin Weapons in World of Warcraft

Blizzard Entertainment‘s iconic MMORPG has established equally stringent weapon limitations for paladins. They can equip:

  • 1H Axes
  • 1H/2H Maces
  • 1H/2H Swords
  • Polearms
  • Shields

No daggers, fist weapons, staves, ranged weapons, or dual-wielding. This restricts them to the holy arms of knights like swords, axes, and bludgeons furthering their crusader identity.

Though initially limited to blunt weapons in early Warcraft lore to avoid drawing blood, these restrictions eased over time. But the lack of ranged weapons persists for game balance – forcing paladins into melee enhances their tanking capability.

And according to Wowhead‘s data for high-level 60 paladins, two-handers have emerged as top damage dealers instead due to late-game power spikes:

Weapon% UsageDPSNotes
Sulfuras, Hand of Ragnaros22%115.7Massive fire damage
Ashkandi, Greatsword of the Brotherhood18%99.5Huge max damage
Bonereaver‘s Edge13%96.3Tons of strength

Here the legendary two-handed Sulfuras is king – though paladins still keep shields equipped in the alternate slot for tanking when necessary!

The Game Design Logic Behind Paladins‘ Weapon Limits

Based on analyzing how paladins function across editions and franchises, these weapon restrictions serve some clear game balance purposes:

1) Forces them into melee range

By preventing ranged weapons, paladins must get up-close to enemies rather than sniping or kiting from afar. This better enables them to:

  • Protect and heal fellow melee allies
  • Focus on tanking with higher AC
  • Visually fit the crusader fantasy
  • Deliver their touch-range magic like Lay on Hands

2) Balances their versatility

Paladins already wear plate armor, heal themselves, buff allies, deal very competitive DPR (damage per round), and have great saves.

Letting them ALSO attack safely from bow/spell range would push this highly durable fighter/caster hybrid into overpowered territory.

3) Distinguishes them from Rangers

As holy warriors, paladins occupy a clearly different class fantasy niche than archer rangers. Keeping bows and guns restricted to the latter helps further differentiate the two classes.

While game-wise it makes sense to limit the scope of the paladin‘s capabilities, lore-wise their devotion drives them into the heart of battle without hesitation!

Optimizing Melee Damage as a Paladin

Even with ranged weapons prohibited, players can still optimize paladin DPR in melee. Here are my best tips:

Max out your primary offense stat

Whether Charisma for 5E paladins fueling divine smites or Strength for WoW paladins swinging 2-handers, push your weapon stat as high as possible. This noticeably buffs damage.

Two-hand or sword/board?

GreatWeapon Master feat for d10-d12 two-handers enhances offense, but sword/shield offers better AC. Evaluate your party‘s needs – are you the main tank or off-tank?

Exploit vulnerability

Undead and fiends take extra damage from divine smites. Seek out these enemy types when possible to unleash radiant destruction!

While ranged options remain locked for balance, you can still specialize your paladin into an absolute melee powerhouse.


In Dungeons and Dragons, World of Warcraft ,and other staple RPGs, paladins occupy an iconic warrior-priest archetype specialized for armored melee combat enhanced by divine magic.

Game design weapon restrictions force them to leverage this holy crusader identity rather than safely engaging enemies from range. But this narrow focus empowers them take on both damage dealer and tank roles from the heart of battle while protecting and empowering teammates!

So while a gun-slinging paladin would be cool, it goes against their core class fantasy. Instead, players should embrace their badass knight aesthetics and get stuck-in up close with bless aura activated!

What are your favorite weapons and strategies for mastering the paladin class? Let me know in the comments!

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