Can Plat and Diamond Players Queue Together?

Yes, Platinum and Diamond tier players can generally queue together in ranked competitive modes across popular titles like Valorant, Apex Legends, and League of Legends. However, there are some restrictions in place to prevent unfair matchups, usually allowing queues within 1-2 tiers.

Overview of Ranked Queue Restrictions

Here is a quick overview of the current ranked queue restrictions in some major competitive titles:

GamePlat/Diamond Restriction
ValorantAll ranks can queue together after recent update
Apex LegendsCan queue with players 1 tier above or below
League of LegendsApproximately 1 tier restriction

As we can see, the developers of these major competitive titles allow Platinum and Diamond players to queue into ranked matches together, with slight variations on the exact tier limitations.

Evaluating the Diamond Rank

Achieving Diamond rank represents a considerable feat that only a small percentage of the playerbase accomplishes. Diamond players demonstrate refined mechanics, game sense, and strategy compared to lower tiers.

However, the skill jump between Diamond and the next levels (Immortal, Master, Challenger) is still significant. Let‘s evaluate some Diamond rank statistics:

GameDiamond Rank Percentile
ValorantTop ~5% of players
Apex LegendsTop 7% of players
League of LegendsTop 7-10% of players

Reaching one of the top tiers in these games is no small feat. Still, players have ample room for continued growth into the very top levels of Master, Grandmaster, and Challenger.


In summary, Platinum and Diamond players can enjoy playing ranked together in most major titles after recent updates relaxing queue restrictions. The Diamond rank represents an impressive high tier, but still leaves room for exceptional players to reach the pinnacle levels.

Analyzing ranks and statistics provides helpful benchmarks for progression along the path to competitive mastery. I hope this overview gives some insight into ranked dynamics in popular titles! Let me know if you have any other questions.

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