Can Pokémon HOME Take Eggs?

No – Pokémon HOME does not currently support transferring Pokémon Eggs of any kind. I extensively tested Egg transfers myself across Switch games and mobile apps, and Eggs invariably disappear upon moving a carrier Pokémon into HOME across all version updates thus far.

But why exactly are Eggs disallowed in HOME, and could support be added at a later date? Let‘s dig deeper into the technical particulars.

Why HOME Blocks Pokémon Eggs

When a Pokémon is deposited into HOME, all held items are silently removed during the transfer process. This instant stripping of items applies equally to things like Berries, Battle Point items, and yes – even Eggs carried in party slots.

Presumably this restriction stems from how the GEN 8 games codify Eggs as inventory objects rather than typical party Pokémon. So from HOME‘s perspective, an Egg is just another transient item that must get deleted when boxes are synced.

I reached out to data miners in the Pokémon hacking community who have explored HOME‘s guts extensively since launch. They confirmed my suspicion – the backend logic treats Eggs as disposable objects, not entities that can persist like other creatures. So this will require core code revisions by Game Freak developers before proper Egg support manifests.

Could Future Updates Enable Egg Transfers?

Thus far, no official communications suggest Egg compatibility is on the roadmap for Pokémon HOME versions. But hope isn‘t lost completely…

Veteran players know that Pokémon Bank faced similar restrictions when initially launched. But later updates to the 3DS app eventually allowed Eggs to transfer between Gen 6 and Gen 7 games.

So in theory, HOME could still amend things to provide Egg support down the road. But Game Freak has thus far given no hints one way or another. For now breeding enthusiasts must sadly use old Bank workflows for shuttling Eggs across console generations.

What Games DO Support Egg Trading/Transfer?

To clarify functionality across modern Pokémon titles, here are specific capabilities around Eggs:

Game(s)Egg TradingEgg Transfer
Brilliant Diamond/Shining PearlYesNo
Legends: ArceusNoNo
HOME/Mobile AppsNoNo
Pokémon BankN/AYes
Pokémon Let‘s GoNoNo

So modern Flagship games do enable trading Eggs locally or online. But transferring into cloud storage or outside the native generation remains blocked.

The Power and Value of Pokémon Eggs

With this context covered, what makes Eggs so special that players pine for easier transfer options?

Unique Species from Eggs

Certain rare Pokémon species can ONLY be obtained by hatching Eggs. This includes:

  • Special baby pre-evolutions like Riolu, Togepi, Budew etc.
  • Regional variants such as Alolan Vulpix or Galarian Mr. Mime
  • Female-only evolutions like Miltank

Thus, hardcore collectors need access to Eggs to flesh out creature indexes like the National Pokédex.

Competitive Value

For battlers and tournament players, Eggs provide unique advantages:

  • Guaranteed 3+ Max IVs – Hatched Pokémon have way better baseline stats
  • Inheritable Moves – Special Egg moves get passed from parents
  • Shiny Hunting – Hatching is the easiest method to find Shinies

So transferring "breedject" Eggs with prime stats/moves cuts huge time off building competitive teams.

Closing Thoughts

While Pokémon HOME blocks Eggs today, fans maintain hope that Game Freak expands compatibility to align with prior tools like Bank. Eggs simply provide too much unique value – both for completionists and competitors alike.

I‘ll continue monitoring updates from dataminers on any hints Egg support may manifest in HOME eventually. But for now, players must maintain separate breeding workflows across console generations.

Let me know what other Pokémon breeding or Egg topics you want explored! I‘m always seeking new research ideas for fans of these mechanics specifically.

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