Can the PS4 Pro Handle 120 Frames Per Second?

I‘ve been getting this question a lot lately: "Hey! I heard the PS4 Pro can do 120 fps is that true?"

As a gaming tech specialist who has covered the PS4 Pro extensively, I‘m here to clear up the facts and explain why 120hz gaming isn‘t possible on the console. Let‘s dive in!

The Short Answer:

No, the maximum frames per second output of the PS4 Pro is 60fps across all games and resolutions. Its hardware cannot physically support 120fps rendering.

Now, let me explain in more detail…

A Refresher – What is Frame Rate?

Before we get technical, a quick refresher!

Frame rate (FPS) refers to how many still images or frames are displayed per second in a video or game. The higher the frame rate, the smoother and more responsive the visuals.

For reference, here are common frame rate standards:

  • 24-30 FPS: Minimum for fluid motion video
  • 60 FPS: Standard for smooth modern gaming
  • 120/144 FPS: Competitive gaming standard for responsiveness
  • 240+ FPS: High-end PC gaming standard

So you can see why 120 FPS or higher is desirable – it takes gaming visuals to that next level!

PS4 Pro‘s Beefy Specs…But Still Limited

Sony positioned the PS4 Pro as a powerful mid-generation console upgrade over the base PS4 model. It packs some seriously impressive specs:

  • Custom AMD Radeon GPU with 4.2 teraflops power
  • Higher CPU clock speed
  • 8GB GDDR5 memory
  • 1TB hard drive space

On paper, the PS4 Pro seems a performance beast! Combined with technology like supersampling down from 4K, games can run buttery smooth at 1080p/60 FPS. Some titles even offer a "High Framerate Mode" bumping FPS to 60 in certain sections.

But there‘s a catch:

The PS4 Pro still uses the same core CPU and memory bandwidth as the basic PS4. This cripples its ability to push 120 FPS:

  • CPU throttles FPS due to data processing limits
  • Memory bandwidth already taxed rendering 4K assets
  • HDMI outputs unable to transmit 120Hz signal

So while the PS4 Pro unlocks higher performance potential, its base hardware remains handcuffed to 60 FPS ceiling across even enhanced titles.

Real-World Game Performance

Let‘s compare some popular cross-platform games and their maximum frame rate on PS4 vs PS4 Pro:

Call of Duty: Warzone60fps60fps (more stable)
Elden Ring30fps60fps
God of War30fps60fps

You‘ll notice even with PS4 Pro patches offering better frame rates, not a single title exceeds 60 FPS – the hardware ceiling I mentioned.

Some developers like Bungie have explicitly stated pushing Destiny 2 above 60 FPS on PS4 Pro would require unacceptable visual sacrifices. So 60 FPS remains the practical limit.

What About Boost Mode and Supersampling?

The PS4 Pro does offer technologies to enhance graphics and performance on supported titles:

  • Boost Mode– An optional setting that accelerates framerates and load times by giving games full access to the PS4 Pro‘s CPU/GPU power.

  • Supersampling – Rendering games internally at 4K then downscaling to standard 1080p TVs. This smooths visuals and reduces artifacts.

However, these technologies still work within the PS4 Pro‘s 60 FPS cap. They deliver visual/loading improvements, but cannot exceed hardware limits to hit 120 FPS without drastically reducing graphical quality.

In certain games, Boost Mode does offer more stable 60 FPS gameplay by reducing framerate dips. But you won‘t see frames rise higher than 60hz.

What About PS4 Pro Mods and Hacks?

I‘ve seen some claims floating around forums and YouTube videos that outputting 120 FPS on a PS4 Pro simply requires a special HDMI cable, software hack, or modification.

Unfortunately, this is misinformation. Modifying your PS4 Pro hardware or software will never unlock "hidden" 120 FPS potential, due to the real component-level bottlenecks explained earlier.

While mods might yield marginal framerate gains through aggressive optimization tricks, you‘d need an entirely new console generation to experience buttery smooth 120+ FPS gameplay.

Looking Ahead to PS5 and Next-Gen

While PS4 Pro offers a luscious 4K gaming experience, silky smooth 120 FPS remains exclusive next-gen territory. The PlayStation 5 is the first PlayStation consol capable of 120 FPS gaming.

It achieves this through major hardware improvements:

  • Cutting-edge AMD Zen 2 CPU
  • Custom RDNA 2 GPU
  • 16GB GDDR6 memory
  • Ultra-high speed SSD

Combined with specialized HDMI 2.1 outputs, these advancements allow the PS5 to hit up to 120 FPS in some titles when graphics settings are configured appropriately.

So for my fellow frame rate fanatics, it‘s worth upgrading to PS5 enjoy those buttery smooth visuals and ultra-responsive controls on supported titles! The difference is truly stunning.

I‘ll be back soon with more tips and tricks for maximizing your game performance. Until next time, game on!

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