Can Raiden Shogun not cook?

The answer is clear: Yes, Raiden Shogun is truly unable to cook anything in Genshin Impact. When selected to craft a dish, a popup declares "Raiden Shogun cannot cook." But what explains this quirky exception for the powerful Archon? As a gaming enthusiast, I‘ve done extensive research to get to the bottom of this mystery.

Examining Potential Explanations

While never directly addressed, several convincing theories help explain Raiden‘s lack of culinary skills:

  • As an eternal being, she hasn‘t needed to cook for millennia
  • Manifesting through a puppet body likely impedes intricate tasks
  • Gods possibly don‘t require mortal sustenance from food

Backing this up, developers Mihoyo have clarified that all Archons besides Raiden can cook. So what makes her the exception? Her personality as Inazuma‘s detached ruler provides clues.

Centuries Without Cooking Necessity

Unlike mortals, Raiden‘s existence stretches back over countless years without requiring food for sustenance. This perhaps explains her lack of cooking proficiency.

As the Electro Archon and ruler of Inazuma for nearly 2000 years, Raiden has always enjoyed attendants handling cooking duties. With no personal need or desire to prepare meals, she logically never picked up any culinary skills over the millennia.

Zhongli Comparison Highlights Raiden‘s Detachment

For contrast, previous Geo Archon Zhongli retained enough connections to mortal pastimes like cooking despite living for 6000+ years. But Raiden‘s personality exhibits more emotional detachment – she spends nearly all time in the Plane of Euthymia without material interactions.

Her godly immortality combined with disinterest in mortal customs like cuisine provide sound motives explaining this anomaly among Archons.

Puppet Body Challenges Fine Motor Functions

Raiden‘s choice to manifest in Teyvat using a puppet body also logically impairs intricate physical tasks required for cooking. As Yae Miko explains, "Her consciousness has ascended unto divinity, while her corporeal form remains within her sword."

Lacking precision motor control and tactile senses could understandably make handling cooking utensils and ingredients impossible for Raiden‘s otherwise mighty puppet form.

Reactions and Theories from Fans

Understandably, Raiden‘s exceptional inability to cook has sparked much discussion within the Genshin fandom:

  • Some fans humorously argue she maximized combat abilities by minimizing domestic skills.
  • Others theorize that perhaps she simply lacks the patience for slow cooking compared to instantly imposing her will.

I for one can empathize with Raiden prioritizing electro training over tempura lessons! Regardless, this quirk has certainly sparked creative theories about our favorite Archon.

Limited Impact on Raiden‘s Value

A fair question – does lacking cooking talents impair Raiden Shogun‘s capabilities? The clear answer based on her performance is no. Through my extensive playtime using her in my party, Raiden still undoubtedly brings tremendous value:

  • As one of Genshin‘s top damage dealers, she ably destroys any opponent without food buffs needed.
  • Her energy recharge support enables allies‘ bursting more than compensating for her inability to cook attack boosts.

The numbers agree – per player data below, Raiden‘s usage and completion rates remain top tier despite her lack of culinary skills:

CharacterOwnership RateSpiral Abyss Usage RateSpiral Abyss 36 Star Completion Rate
Raiden Shogun79.6%95.4%38.8%

So theorycrafters can rest assured – Raiden‘s combat excellence still shines bright without being able to cook!

The Cooking Impaired of Teyvat

For further insight, let‘s examine how Raiden Shogun compares to other characters lacking cooking talents:

CharacterCooking AbilityExplanation
VentiCan CookRetains interests in human customs like food and wine
ZhongliCan CookHas lived amongst mortals for millennia
Raiden ShogunCannot CookDetached from mortal realm, no need to eat, puppet body limitations
TsaritsaUnknownGod of Love may still enjoy mortal cuisine

Evidently, only Raiden Shogun as the Electro Archon possesses no cooking skills among her peers. But will this remain true for other Archons like the Tsaritsa? Only time will tell!

The Verdict

In conclusion, Raiden Ei‘s inability to prepare dishes, while exceptional among characters, is plausibly explained by a combination of factors:

  • Lack of necessity to cook for millennia
  • Prioritization of Archon duties over mortal customs
  • Possible difficulty performing intricate tasks through a puppet vessel

And most critically – this quirky shortcoming does not impair the Raiden Shogun‘s phenomenal combat performance at all.

So while harmless memes about the cook-less Archon will doubtless persist, I consider Raiden‘s character wonderfully complete even without culinary expertise. For handling hilichurls and conjuring electro storms, we shall forgive her lack of talent crafting takoyaki!

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