Can Saitama Beat Gojo?

Based on their currently displayed abilities, Gojo likely has the advantage over Saitama – though the result may change with new canon information. Gojo‘s Infinity creates an impenetrable barrier that prevents physical attacks from making contact. As Saitama relies on sheer punching power, he does not seem to possess techniques capable of bypassing or disabling this pocket dimension shield.

Gojo‘s Infinity technique traps opponents in a hollow region of space that separates Gojo from all harm. It has resisted even reality-altering abilities and remains unbreached unless very specific conditions are met.

Meanwhile, despite overwhelming physical stats, Saitama so far lacks abilities for manipulating space-time or piercing extradimensional barriers. His greatest feats revolve around his immense strength, speed, and stamina – but none suggest easy access to the specialized hax that could counter Infinity‘s conceptual nature.

Assessing Saitama‘s Potential to Grow

That said, Saitama has grown exponentially in raw power before and eliminated any enemy thrown his way. His very series is built on smashing perceived limits. So perhaps gaining the means to overcome Gojo is already imminent.

Some compelling, if speculative, arguments around Saitama‘s capacity for further growth:

  • Saitama has no apparent weaknesses or upper limit. The series has not revealed any level he cannot attain once motivated.
  • He has resisted reality manipulation effects before (e.g. Tatsumaki‘s telekinesis, villainous time-travel). This could indicate awakening conceptual resistance.
  • His "allowing enemies to buff themselves before defeating them" pattern mirrors lifting heavier weights to grow muscle. Each new height attained permanently expands his power.

So Saitama possibly contains hidden potential for exceeding dimensional limitations. But until demonstrated, this remains theoretical.

Key Feats Snapshot

Physical PowerCity Block LevelAt least Star Level by calculations
SpeedFaster than the eye can trackFaster than light speed by calculations
Hax SkillsPocket Dimensions, Spatial Manipulation, Matter ErasureSome Metaphysical Resistance

Here we observe a sharp contrast – Gojo wielding specialized techniques suited to containing overwhelming power, while Saitama possess immense striking capacity but little applicable hax…for now.

The Last Word

In conclusion, Gojo likely defeats current Saitama via Infinity – but the hero‘s burgeoning strength offers a glimmer of doubt. I love discussing these cross-universe faceoffs despite their inherent uncertainty. New chapters may yet reveal power jumps or hidden techniques to turn the tables. For now, advantage Gojo!

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