Can siblings date in Sims 4?

No, sibling Sims or other immediate family members cannot engage in romantic social interactions or relationships by default in The Sims 4. The game actively blocks behaviors like flirting, kissing, sleeping in the same bed, getting married, etc. between siblings, parents and children, grandparents and grandchildren, aunts/uncles and nieces/nephews, or cousins.

This "incest prevention system" was coded into The Sims games specifically to prohibit players from creating incest scenarios, even in a virtual world. There are good reasons human societies taboo incest, and the developers wanted the game universe to reflect ethical standards.

Player Statistics & Reactions

However, internet surveys indicate over 20% of Sims players have attempted to use cheats or game mods to try enabling incestuous relationships between family member Sims. Clearly a subset of players would enjoy more flexibility on incest stories and gameplay options. Reactions are split:

  • Some argue violently against any mods allowing incest, even virtually
  • Others defend adding drama and complexity through cousin romances or other non-direct relations
  • A few suggest that consenting adult relationships in a fantasy game world cause no real harm

Psychology research indicates incest taboos evolved as protective mechanisms in human societies, as close genetic mating carries biological and social risks. But in a virtual game universe, should ethics be viewed differently?

The Legal and Biological Perspectives

Laws prohibiting incest and consanguineous marriage exist today in nearly every country worldwide. In many regions, incest is considered a criminal felony – see statistics below:

CountryIncest Legality
United StatesIllegal in all 50 states
United KingdomIllegal; punishable by 2-14 years imprisonment
ChinaIllegal; up to 2 years imprisonment if parties are adults

Biologically, incest heightens risks for developmental disorders in potential offspring. When two siblings mate, each contributes 50% of their DNA, meaning any harmful recessive mutations are far more likely to manifest in children. First cousins also face higher genetic risks.

The Sims Approach Over Time

The Sims developers have included incest prevention systems even in early franchise titles (The Sims 2, The Sims 3). But the ongoing existence of popular mods to bypass the restrictions shows some player demand for additional flexibility persists.

Could offering incest as a virtual fantasy option normalize behavior considered unethical in civil society? Or is it ultimately harmless roleplay happening in a computerized make-believe universe? Players fall on both sides of this debate.

My view is that compelling, creative stories are possible following the game‘s default rules. Ethical writers and designers don‘t require incest plotlines, even in fantasy settings with imaginary characters. Overall The Sims gets it right in prohibiting genetically-close families from romance. Stick to the rules for wholesome gameplay fun!

What do you think about incest in games? Share your thoughts below!

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