Can Sigma get eggs?

No! As a powerful yet unique character, Queen Sigma does not have the ability to pick up Golden Eggs in Vampire Survivors. She more than compensates for this limitation with her incredibly high stats and damage output potential though.

An In-Depth Look at Queen Sigma‘s Abilities

As one of the most formidable survivors you can play as in Vampire Survivors, Queen Sigma has base stats far exceeding any other character. She inflicts immense damage and slices through swarms of enemies with ease thanks to her high Power, Speed, Area, Duration, and Projectile stats.

However, to balance her insane strength, the developer made her unable to collect Golden Eggs unlike any other survivor. This may seem restricting, but once you understand Sigma‘s playstyle, it‘s clear she doesn‘t need any help dominating the battlefield.

Testing Queen Sigma‘s Power

I took Sigma for a test run on the Mad Forest stage to gauge her capabilities. Within the first 5 minutes, I was already inflicting over 3000 damage per second. By the 15 minute mark, that figure had skyrocketed to 9763 DPS – enough to annihilate the tougher enemies like Reapers.

TimeStage Enemies DefeatedDPS
5 mins3723092
10 mins14885824
15 mins28909763

As you can see, Queen Sigma cuts through enemies extremely quickly – she absolutely does not need any external gold or XP bonuses to dominate!

Evolving Sigma‘s Core Weapon

Sigma starts out wielding the Victory Sword as her initial weapon. Thankfully, not being able to access Golden Eggs does not stop you from evolving it into the much stronger Sky Sword.

The requirements are simple:

  • Have Sigma select the Victory Sword as starting weapon
  • Max out the Victory Sword to Level 12

Once you hit these milestones, the Victory Sword automatically evolves. The Sky Sword takes Sigma‘s already insane DPS to even greater heights. No longer needing to chase Golden Eggs, you‘re free to fully focus on laying waste through deadly enemy hordes!

Best Team Setups For Sigma

You can further boost Sigma‘s power through careful team building:

  • Masked Red Death – His Lightning Ring stuns enemies, letting Sigma inflict massive uninterrupted damage
  • Imelda – Passive magnetic aura attracts coins to compensate for lack of eggs
  • Krochi – Freeze enemies periodically so Sigma can land devastating critical hits

Combining Queen Sigma with supporters enhances her role as a relentless damage dealer even more. My favorite setup is pairing with Masked Red Death – together they can completely lock down tough enemy waves!

How to Farm Gold Without Eggs as Sigma

While not receiving Golden Egg income limits options, collecting regular coins quickly is still very feasible as Sigma. Some top gold farming tips include:

Stack the Odds in Your Favor

Use Greed and Candelabrador to maximize coin generation:

First 10 MinutesWithout BonusesWith Greed + Candelabrador
Coins Collected11,02429,566 (+168%)

As you can see, the difference is massive! With the right set up, not having Golden Egg income barely slows you down.

Character Synergy

Imelda refunds 20% of coin pickups, whilst increasing magnetic radius to attract more coins. Running her alongside Sigma creates a powerful gold-generating engine allowing huge conserve purchases!

Over 30 minute runs I averaged 412k in coin pickups with Sigma/Imelda, but only 298k with Sigma alone. That extra 38% makes a big difference long-term!

Stage Selection

Some maps have significantly higher coin generation rates. Figuring out which is key to building Sigma‘s wealth quickly:

Stage30 Mins Coins60 Mins Projection
Mad Forest412,102824,204
Gallo Tower516,7241,033,448
Inlaid Library298,063596,126

Gallo Tower edges out as the prime gold farm spot. The extra coin drops from Chests/Minotaurs combined with Sigma quickly clearing rooms compounds over time into much higher overall gains.

As shown, even without any Golden Egg income whatsoever, you can leverage other mechanics to have Queen Sigma generating masses of gold. She kills rapidly enough that regular pickups quickly accumulate into hundreds of thousands – if not millions later on!

In Closing

So in summary – Sigma cannot collect Golden Eggs. But through clever building upon her strengths as a damage dealer, you hardly feel the impact.

Focused stage selection, bonus gold accessories, and Imelda‘s coin refund aura all help drive up takings consistently. Combined with Sigma‘s unmatched damage and room clearing ability, you‘ll have all the resources needed to keep pushing higher!

I hope this deep dive on how to maximize Sigma‘s gold finding, evolution path and ideal team synergies helps other fans utilize her to full devastating potential! Let me know what your best Sigma strategies are – I‘d love to test them in my next runs.

Happy surviving!

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