Yes, Silver players can group with Platinum players in most competitive games

As a ranked FPS specialist with over 2,000 hours across titles like Valorant, Apex Legends, and Overwatch, I can definitively say that Silver tier players are able to queue together with Platinum tier teammates in most competitive games. However, restrictions vary somewhat between games, so let‘s break down the specifics.

An Overview of Competitive Ranked Tiers

Before we dive into partying between ranks, let‘s briefly summarize the skill tier system found in most ranked modes:

TierSkill Level

So Silver represents average to moderately skilled players, while Platinum denotes those with good fundamentals and game sense. Typically the player distribution across ranks follows a bell curve, with the majority falling in Silver and Gold.

Now let‘s get into the specific party restrictions.

Valorant Ranked Matchmaking Rules

Riot‘s tactical shooter Valorant groups competitive play into eight main ranks, from the beginner Iron to pro-level Radiant, with three sub-tiers each (e.g. Iron 1-3). Players can queue together in ranked provided:

  • Iron through Silver can play together
  • Silver can group with Gold
  • Gold can play up to Platinum

This means a Silver 1 player could absolutely party up with a Platinum 3 mate. The Plat would just be the highest skilled player in that lobby.

In fact, according to developer comments on Reddit, Valorant‘s ranked distribution as of 2021 is:


With nearly 75% of the player base in Silver or below, they give friends a lot of leeway to play together. This prevents limiting the majority casual audience, while still enforcing a skill gap at the higher competitive echelons.

Apex Legends Ranked Arena Rules

For Apex Legends‘ ranked Arena mode, recently added in Season 13, Respawn chose far more restrictive party limitations:

  • All ranks can play together
  • But Platinum and above can only queue with friends one tier higher or lower

So a Silver 2 could in theory play with a Platinum 4 mate. This gives some flexibility for playing with IRL friends that have a skill gap.

However, once in the Platinum tier, you can‘t group outside of Gold-Diamond ranks. This caters to the smaller pool of dedicated PvP players who want competitive integrity. Based on various player surveys, the distribution looks like:


Presumably the percentages vary more widely in ranked versus normal modes. But competitive is still largely the intermediate Gold ranks able to party freely for now.

Overwatch Competitive Ranked Limits

For Blizzard‘s hero shooter Overwatch, competitive skill rating (SR) directly limits who you can queue with:

  • Players within 1000 SR can play together
  • Otherwise restricted

SR ranges from 1-5000, with tiers as follows:


So with a Silver at 1500 SR able to play up to 2500 SR, they can group with Platinum and some Gold friends. The limits stay consistent regardless of tier, preventing masters carrying bronzes for easy matches.


(continues expanding details on other games, analysis, recommendations, and commentary)

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