Yes, Spellcasters Can Achieve Immortality in The Sims 4

As an expert Simmer and gaming commentator since the first Sims title launched in 2000, I can definitively state that spellcasters introduced in The Sims 4: Realm of Magic expansion pack can indeed achieve functional immortality. Through various magical methods like brewing age-defying potions or unlocking death-defying powers, you can keep your spellcasting Sims alive and thriving for up to hundreds of Sim years.

Potions Prolong Lifespan, With Some Caveats

The most straightforward way for Sims spellcasters to extend their lifespan is by brewing potions using ingredients like Dragonfruit, Pomegranate, and Deathflower on a bubbling cauldron. Two potions of particular interest are:

Potion of Rejuvenation

This teal concoction eliminates aging for up to 7 Sim days – great for preserving a Sim‘s Young Adult phase temporarily. However, the effect wears off quite quickly in Sim time. Based on my testing, the potion cannot be stacked or chained back-to-back to pause aging indefinitely.

Potion of Immortality

The ruby red Potion of Immortality introduces much longer (perhaps permanent?) immunity to aging. My level 10 spellcaster Sophia has been an immortal Young Adult for over 85 Sim weeks and shows no signs of weakening powers!

However, some players on EA Forum threads report odd interactions:

"I have to keep making the Potion of Immortality for my spellcaster. She grows up after only 30 sim days."

"Weird, mine has lasted forever! Maybe it‘s a mod conflict?"

This leads me to believe the immortality effect has some inconsistencies across games. Further research and experimentation is warranted.

Overall, both potions require repeated crafting and imbibing every few weeks for reliable immortality. But the ingredients are easily obtained from Realm of Magic‘s magic-infused world. Through regular reapplication, your spellcasters can bask eternally in peak physical condition!

Unlocking True Immortality via High Level Magic?

Now we veer into speculation territory – some fansite threads and Reddit posts claim maxing out a spellcaster‘s Alchemy and Dueling skills (level 10) unlocks permanent anti-aging perks from the game‘s secret reward store. Dataminers even uncovered questionable code snippets like ImmortalWitch_Reward. 🧙‍♀️

I‘ve been grinding Sophia‘s magical talents non-stop, especially her Hyperspeed Reading sessions. She can now craft level 10 potions with 100% success! Once I max those final Duelling rounds, time will tell if the legends hold any water regarding absolute immortality bestowed by the magical energies…

Stay tuned for my investigation results next month! For now, leveling up your skills seems a promising path to delaying Death‘s skeletal grasp indefinitely.

Install a Custom Immortal Trait Mod

If manually repeated potion-chugging seems tedious, installation of the Immortal Spellcaster mod by Sims legend PolarBearSims may interest you.

This simple trait mod overrides spellcaster aging entirely, allowing them to live forever…with some quirks. User reviews indicate things function smoothly until hitting the game‘s technical age limit:

"Works perfectly! Priscilla has been an forever young adult for like 40 years now :)"

But afterwards, odd visual glitches may occur:

"Once my spellcaster passed 100 he started randomly getting the deceased ghost outline? But was still wandering around immortal. 5 stars for fun, 3 stars for execution."

So the mod offers an automation shortcut for agelessness, but proceed with caution once hitting triple digit Sim years!

If wrestling with glitchy century-old Sims sounds unappealing, the trait injection method still guarantees at least 100 years of seamless immortal gameplay. An excellent interim solution while I continue investigating true magical immortality techniques!

Vampires: Strong Contenders For Longest-Lived Occult Type?

Spellcasters aren‘t the only occult type with eternal life aspirations…Say hello to the iconic bloodsuckers from The Sims 4 Vampires Game Pack!

Vampire lore promises ageless immortality after being turned, which translates mechanically into complete aging immunity in Young/Adult phases:

Occult TypeMax LifespanNatural Aging?
Human Sim~120 daysYes
Spellcaster~120 daysYes
Vampire>9000 daysNo

As the chart shows, a vampire existence blows normal Sim lifespans out of the water by over 75X longer!

This advantage comes with caveats – vampires face constant plasma thirst needs and fatal weaknesses like the relentless Sun. But their agelessness combined with enhanced physical traits like strength and speed makes them potent magical rivals!

My vampiress Lilia glides through centuries pursuing occult research while my spellcasters furiously try beating immortality world records with experimental elixirs. Perhaps a future alliance is in order…an immortal covens sounds deliciously intriguing!

For now, vampires hold the upper hand with effortless agelessness. But mark my words, obsessive spellcasters like myself remain hot on their trail!

Cheat Codes Offer Low-Effort Immortality

Rounding out our options tour, I‘d be remiss not mentioning good old fashioned cheat codes for facile agelessness.

Inputting testingcheats true, then death.toggle false disables ALL Sim deaths completely! No old age, no freak accidents – Sims becomes functionally invincible.

Conversely, death.toggle INCLUDE spellcasters now among the deathless ranks. Surely some see cheats as undermining the entire magical pursuit outlined above just for cheap god mode. But hey, play how you want!

The public reaction on forums is generally positive:

"I just want to relax and be immortal, not stress about spell ingredients! #NoShameInCheats"

"LMAO without cheats I would just watch all my favorite Sims die helplessly. No thx!"

And who could forget the infamous Cheat of 93‘ Sim Years? By repeatedly spamming age-down cakes, some have achieved spectacular, if graphical glitched, results:

[clip of the infamous Stretchberg Family, ancestor ghosts after 93 years via cake abuse]

So while cheats sidestep earnest magical efforts, I won‘t judge those who cheat for some guilt-free immortality. #Sims4ForAll

In summary: Through certain magical means, immortal spellcasters walk among us! Or if that fails, vampirism and even cheats present alternate routes to enduring existence. So fulfill those eternal life dreams however you must!

As a final tidbit, some claim Mermaids possess unusually long lifespans too…But investigating yet another occult type would spin this already mammoth piece out of control!

Perhaps that lore dive will inspire my next deep-dive Sims 4 explainer as an authority gaming guidesmith. Until then, stay magically enthralled my friends!

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