Yes, Superman Can Lift Thor‘s Hammer Mjolnir

Among the most electrifying moments in comic book history emerged from the epic 2003 JLA/Avengers crossover event by Kurt Busiek and George Perez. In a climactic clash between DC‘s Justice League and Marvel‘s Avengers, Superman makes a bold move – grasping the handle of Thor’s enchanted hammer Mjolnir and hoisting it skyward alongside Captain America’s legendary shield.

This enduring image sends fan debates into overdrive regarding Superman’s ability to wield Mjolnir. By lifting the hammer, he demonstrates an inherent nobility and selflessness fulfilling the vague standards to be "worthy" in Marvel continuity. The scene forms the basis for viral chatter among comic fans with polls frequently leaning toward “yes” on whether Superman can lift Thor’s hammer.


When first introduced in Marvel comics during the Silver Age, the inscription on Mjolnir simply read “Whosoever holds this hammer, if he be worthy, shall possess the power of…Thor.” Not the clearest definition for a weapon that grants its holder spectacular abilities like weather manipulation, dimensional travel, matter transmutation and more.

Over decades, the conditions expanded – moral commitment to protect the innocent, sacrificing oneself for others, acting without selfish intent, upholding honor even when difficult. Like pulling Excalibur from the stone, drawing Mjolnir requires a noble spirit.

And noble Superman certainly is. While complex at times like any long-running character, his fundamental persona embodies truth, justice and hope through selfless actions. Does this guarantee worthiness to wield Mjolnir whenever he chooses? Perhaps not…but his lifting of the hammer during a major comic event shows his standing among Marvel’s mightiest.


Beyond just the iconic crossover scene, both DC and Marvel heroes have swapped accessories, weapons and powers dozens of times over the decades as part of universe mashup stories. Wonder Woman has taken up Spider-Man’s web shooters, Batman has wielded Captain America’s shield, while Superman has tried his hand at Mjolnir more than once.

Why does Superman earn the honor when so few Marvel heroes qualify to hoist their ally’s hammer? As the paragon of DC Comics, Superman epitomizes many of the finest qualities espoused by Marvel’s noblest warriors. He fights not for glory like Hyperion or conquest like Namor, but for building a world safe for innocents to enjoy liberty.

Perhaps one scene above all captures Superman’s ease in wielding Mjolnir – effortlessly using the hammer to smash an entire battalion of tanks to scrap without even glancing their way. Thor would relish the destruction while Superman quietly returns the hammer with his mission complete.


StrengthInfiniteClass 100+
SpeedMassively FTLFTL
DurabilityStar level+Star level to Small Country level
Energy ProjectionStellarStellar

Comparing raw power between the heroes, most experts agree Superman exceeds Thor in nearly every category. Strength – Superman moves planets, overpowers gods and rivals Thor’s best efforts lifting millions of tons. Speed – Superman flies massively faster than light compared to Thor’s mere light speed.

Durability – Thor may endure a star’s heat thanks to his divine biology, but Superman withstands blasts equivalent to 50 supernovas bursting simultaneously. Energy blasts – Superman’s concentrated solar heat vision outputs more destructive force than Thor’s lightning.

The only advantage Thor maintains lies in magic – Mjolnir’s mystical properties could theoretically harm Superman despite his resilience to all other damage types. Here the enchanted hammer equilibrates the playing field somewhat in a duel with DC‘s premiere hero.


While Superman maintains the edge statistically, his greatest asset compared to Thor comes not from raw power – it stems from an incorruptible spirit. Superman draws might from his psyche, not his physiology. Willpower fuels his determination, helping him overcome pain, exhaustion and hopelessness. His mind ever fixed on serving justice grants him the strength to accomplish impossible feats through sheer belief.

This same willpower likely plays a role in Superman’s worthiness to lift Mjolnir during multiple intercompany crossovers. The hammer’s magic detects the unwavering resolve central to Superman’s existence. When he grasps Mjolnir’s handle, Superman does so not out of a desire for greater power but for fulfilling good. This motivation over ego or pride surely factors into Mjolnir deeming him worthy.


Over 80 years of comic lore, creative teams have reimagined Superman’s origins, powers and personality across varying degrees of success. Does Superman‘s shifting mythology affect his unwavering nobility to lift Mjolnir?

While mild fluctuations occur, Superman’s inherent nature persists – truth and justice balance his use of phenomenal abilities. He rights wrongs on cosmic scales while saving ordinary citizens from mundane threats. He values lives equally, showing empathy toward fellow paragons and outliers alike. This consistent moral compass likely leaves intact his worthiness if judged by Mjolnir’s vague standard.


Across Twitter polls and Reddit threads, passionate comic fans and MCU enthusiasts alike debate Superman’s qualifications for wielding Mjolnir if given the chance. Of over 9,000 respondents from one viral Tweet, 48% say he could lift Thor’s hammer with 38% voting no and 14% unsure.

The nail-biter results contrast with a more lopsided Superman favoring vote hosted on a DC Comics message board. Reasons given for why Superman merits worthiness range from his embodiment of nobility, lack of killer instinct seen in anti-heroes like Black Adam or Namor, and self-sacrificing nature for humanity’s well-being.

Detractors point toward occasional brute force solutions against enemies or lashing out when extremely provoked as contradicting qualities. They also suggest his privilege as an all-powerful being distances him from the selflessness in frail mortality. But the prevailing sentiment leans – “if Cap can lift it, Supes can lift it.”


To me, the iconic tableau of Superman hoisting that legendary hammer aloft tells the real story. While the rules may change, the optics endure. Superman earned his place among the top cosmic heroes of Marvel canon due to embodying the valor and sacrifice central to Mjolnir’s enchantment.

However one interprets worthiness, seeing Superman wield Thor’s hammer remains one of the most inspiring images in crossover history. And until the characters meet again, it’s the only canonical answer that matters. Superman DID lift Mjolnir once at the height of his nobility – proving himself worthy in that frozen panel of time even if the debate rages on among fans.

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